
BKFKR(Known as Bisexual Ku Feminists Kurtz Rights Klan)

This is a family made for the HOLY feminists and racists of America in Epic Mafia!

We support White people and bisexual garls and feminists!

Our goals are

  1. Getting to free America from NON-White people!
  2. Making sure we have no ultra-gay insight
  3. Getting control of Epic Mafia as Lucid plots has been caught by ME the holy leader!
  4. Getting to have free porn in America and removing gay porn!

Our Advantages

  1. Free bisexual girls
  2. Free Lesbian porn
  3. Free sexy ladies for straight
  4. No more Gay gif in the main lobby
  5. Making America free again AS IT'S FOR AMERICANS!
  6. Having sexy girls in ur house
  7. Making sure Epic Mafia is GREAT again!

The Requirements

  4. Choose me over LUCID
  5. MUST NOT BE GAY AGAIN!(or maybe if u pay ;) )

The story of the Family

It all began just before Donald Trump ruling.. The Orlando Shooting.. Started it all.. That day.. Gays died.. But you never knew their story.. They were Donald Trump's experiments.. As he found that gays get to have an ultima chromosome in them.. As he used this to implant a virus.. V-49.. It gets to transfer people into ultigay.. They all live around us.. we interact with them everyday.. These tend to try to spread their virus through GIF and photos.. And sex.. As we didn't know that.. As his highest experiment.. MikeyRu.. He was the one responsible for the Orlando shooting.. He killed his fellow gays for him to take their core and spread their Ultima-chromosome.. Donald told him to do so.. As he went on hiding till Donald won it.. As they Donald is invulnerable.. He made this virus in order to make a new world for us to live in.. A world where only men get to live as he would control them.. He has the ultimate Gayess.. They say whoever haves it cannot die till he transfers it to his apprentice.. Which is MikeyRu.. MikeyRu is forced to follow his orders till he gets the Gayess.. After a while when Donald Trump won due to the support of KKK and the gays.. He set his apprentice on his journey.. MikeyRu has appeared and became a struggle to us when Donald won.. As Donald betrayed us.. He told us he will give us a high role in America.. He set us off to Canada.. But we returned.. Forming this Family.. In order to kill the Gayess bloodline and Make sure Donald Trump would never get to transfer this world into his.. But before I end this.. I must tell you.. That I'm .. Donald Trump's Son Solusho Vi Trumpania! The descendant of this bloodline.. Yet I don't have the gayess I was born with another thing.. I was born straight with this ultima-chromosome .. Which made me a NEVER TO-BE gay.. I'm the only hope of killing MikeyRu and his master.. My father Donald Trump.. I will REVENGE FROM HIM FOR KILLING MY MOTHER.. Using my special formed power.. Different than ANY power.. I will kill him.. As after meeting the Father of cumderstanding.. He told me what it means to be a straight.. And to have normal sex.. And told me that the gayess will lead Trump to his doom.. Lucid is somehow behind this And I will find out.. ALL HAIL SOLUSHO! Code Gayess

Motto May the father of cumderstanding guide us!**

Tips for order to live..

  1. Watchout for Ultigays they tend to infect people with gayness...

Members 2

over 5 years
Proud to be part of this masterpiece
almost 8 years
Let's kiss, Solux.
almost 8 years
great family with good ideas
almost 8 years
Nice job I would join if I didn't have a family already I don't wanna leave.
almost 8 years