☁ cloudy crew ☁


                                            ☁ ☁

                          nimbus: the nimbus cloud

                       sky: the supercell storm cloud

                             vertigo: the cirrus cloud

                              shui: the stratus cloud

                        mitra: the cirrocumulus cloud

                       torrsfriend: the lenticular cloud

                 dyingoutside: the cumulonimbus cloud

                            jayy: the altostratus cloud

                           MonoJ: the asperitas cloud

                            plue: the noctilucent cloud

                            Landslide: the arcus cloud

             APsychologist: the jacques cousteau cloud

                          ilario: the stratocumulus cloud

deletedalmost 6 years
this family is seriously cute!
almost 6 years
blue is the best color known 2 man
almost 6 years
do you guys like blue colour =D
almost 6 years
hi im plue
almost 6 years
i googled asperitas clouds and im very happy with my cloud
almost 6 years
where do clouds go at the end of the day
almost 6 years
you should make that your death message
almost 6 years
it looks like nimbus has drifted away...
almost 6 years
nimbus tell me about asperitas clouds
almost 6 years
clouds r nice