Exploding Car FTW!


To bring as many people over to the exploding car side as possible. Red car? Nah. Safe car? Why would you. EXPLODING CAR? Now thats the ticket :)

deletedover 11 years
almost three years in here. So glad to see you guys haven'y left :')
about 12 years
I miss you guys. :C
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
Im really the suprised you two have stayed in this club all this time :)
almost 14 years
Hey guys, haven't seen you in forever. Leave me a message or somthing when you get this. Kay cya~ :)
about 14 years
Mist we may want to make a new clan since cimmi isnt here and cant invite anyone.
deletedabout 14 years
NOOOOO. this place is dead :'(
deletedabout 14 years
Funny, I hit this car 4 times!
deletedabout 14 years
over 14 years
But mist...their family..is...awesome...
deletedover 14 years
Foolish they are Wu Tang no allies with them!!
over 14 years
Fool, we side with the wu tang clan and wendys should be hung.

IF you agree we can be allies!
over 14 years
I cant , cimmi has too.
deletedover 14 years
Add me to the family again I deleted that family cuz we settled a secret aggrement
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
Could u readd me Cimmi??
deletedover 14 years
Plz neg NuckFiggers
deletedover 14 years
Would you like to support the Wu Tang Clan Enemies??
deletedover 14 years
Good bye my friends. Ill make sure to add you in our partners section
deletedover 14 years
But we will be partnered with this family.
deletedover 14 years
I think I might leave this family because I need to make a new one, " The Wu Tang Clan Survivors"
deletedover 14 years
Have fun at your party!!
over 14 years
Just means i have been inactive.
deletedover 14 years
Inactivity town??
over 14 years
Lol dead im 11.

Yea sorry i just went to a visit to a place called inactivity town. But im back and its good to see you im opening a survivor game right now to celebrate.