The No God Squad


The No God Squad is family of atheists who play EpicMafia. We reject supernaturalism and adhere to the principles of humanism, rationality, and logic. We welcome discussion on our web-board here, and would like to note for the record that we are all terribly good-looking. --------------------------------------- HONORARY MEMBERS: Chesskid4

Members 1

over 13 years
oddly enough, the server fail screwed several people over and really helped me... i have a shot at bronze, we'll see........
over 13 years
wow, i'm suddenly in third... some people under me (cough fading cough) still have hearts though
over 13 years
implo, I just logged on to see how you were doing, and so help me G&%, if you dump out on the run now, I'm gonna be pissed. The people ahead of you might poop out. Don't worry about it; just play. I've played enough games with you to know that you're one of the better players on the site and deserve a trophy, so just go win one.
over 13 years
Here's my plan. This upcoming round, I'm 100% not running, as there will be a span of three days in which I will not be able to play. The round after that, I will trophy run. I also may use this upcoming round to do some personal research into tells/etc.
over 13 years
Ive fallen asleep once a few months back I laid my head and I was lynched lol I woke up a few hours later though
over 13 years
well i was kind of asleep...
over 13 years
wow that was cheap. Why did they kick lynch you?
over 13 years
maybe i should also just wait until i have more free time / energy until trophy running anyway.
over 13 years
:| i think i got kicklynched in the last game. I was blue, watcher died n1, I got depressed and fell asleep. Literally fell asleep. Woke up and saw my name was gray. There's always next round :|
over 13 years
You can still get a trophy, implo - just keep at it. Also - the reason I logged on - I just watched the first half of the documentary "Root of All Evil?", narrated by Richard Dawkins. Utterly wonderful. Dawkins dissects fallacious reasons to prefer faith over reason, all the while maintaining a balanced tone, in his visits to fundamentalist churches, mosques, Jerusalem, etc. Highly recommended, and there is a high-speed torrent of it up - download and watch; you'll be doing yourself a favor!
over 13 years
yay, i won a game. yay, it was as mafia. yay, 45 fucking points.
over 13 years
sigh... i tried the hunter setup 3 times. first time, someone smart was mafia and won. the second, same person was silencer and got lucky and claimed guilty on tracker. third, i got fucking silenced as bg twice in a row. trophy run = over probably :\
over 13 years
first two games today, losses... fucking hell
over 13 years
Dude dont worry about it. I wont win anything lol I dont plan on it. Its called luck and it wont be on my side for long.
over 13 years
matt is beating me now -_-
over 13 years
Correction: even if you don't wish to be
deletedover 13 years
Hell no I'm not a part of this piece of shit family, African animism is where it's at :P
over 13 years
CHESS, YOU MAKE US SAD. Just sayin'. If this were actually chess, you'd be center-counter with a knight sacrifice for doing us like that. :P (Just kidding. We love you, and you're still an honorary member of the family unless you don't wish to be.)
over 13 years
***. it had to be at least 5 characters, lol.
deletedover 13 years
I'm sorry...but his zebra stripes...they compel me to bravery, to Thogg's kingdom.
over 13 years
i don't use MSN and i don't have the messaging thing lol
over 13 years
i of course lost with those two extra hearts
over 13 years
@implo - Do you do that MSN thing with Wind? Or do you have the EM private messaging system or something? If so, get me your email address and I'll shoot you the link - I can't post it here, as I obviously don't want to conflate my professional life with an internet gaming site I dork off on in my spare time ;)
over 13 years
Ooh, I wanna see this article
over 13 years
Go implo! Wish I'd been around earlier to get in a game or two with you, but I've been attending to work-related stuff all day - an article I wrote has gone viral on the interwebs and I've been busy promoting it / fielding emails about it... anyhow, best of luck with the rest of your run, and I hope to be there for at least another game or two of it :)