The Erinberg Fanclub


Erin! <3

about 13 years
i know she d/ced, but can i still join?
about 13 years
<3 I talked to her the other day<333
almost 14 years
aww Bert that thing you wrote is sweet :)

it's sad she is gone :(
deletedalmost 14 years
Anyone know why she deleted?
almost 14 years
I wrote a little story in the description for her to read if she ever returns...
almost 14 years
So so sad. T_T
almost 14 years
D: This is the only place I can say goodbye. D:
almost 14 years
Best fanclub. <3
almost 14 years
i want into either club!
deletedabout 14 years
spreading love to my fans. <3
about 14 years
Yay I have over 1000 points, I can join now!!!
about 14 years
about 14 years
i'm leaving my family for this...send me an invite please
about 14 years
I can't invite BaXeD, he's already in a family. :o
about 14 years
hello im 12 and whats this
deletedabout 14 years
I want Baxed in it too :(
about 14 years
The fanclub has reached the maximun amount of members! Go Erin! :]
about 14 years
about 14 years
about 14 years
Can you guys undo the neg bomb that has been done to me? And Yeah, I do not know where that came from.
deletedabout 14 years
hiiiiiiiii reamix <3 nice to meet you toooooooo :) I love you all guys, thanks for supporting me. <3
about 14 years
Erin is awesooome! :D
about 14 years
i love how i got invited but i barely know erin. well HI ERIN :D nice to meet you hahaah <3
about 14 years
Lol. I wish I was sixteen. Once you turn sixteen, you are eternally sixteen. :D
about 14 years
Who is erinberg? and why am i invited? :S