

Technically this is just mine and Nates's circlejerk at this point. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I think.

Members 2

deletedover 12 years
Hello. :3
over 13 years
:( can i join? im lonely and my mommy is part of this family so therefore we're blood related
almost 14 years
Guys, I'm leaving once this hits 20,000. It's become too mainstream for me. D:
almost 14 years
Pfft. I always come prepared. FREE GUM AND FREE ASS FOR EVERYONE! -throws some around-
almost 14 years
Terrific and if you ever feel your ass supply running low we have a guitarist with some grade A quality stuff who you can use.
almost 14 years
Yeah I'd say blame our beautiful seductress for the loss of your dog, but hey instead of being our rivals you could be the lead ins, We would pay greatly in gum
almost 14 years
I made a face turn to go solo.

Big plans for me.
about 14 years
about 14 years
Hey, let me in.
about 14 years
Get 1000 points first.
about 14 years
Let me join
about 14 years
I just wanted a family.