Trophyless nub club


To play games all hard out to earn a trophy and fail with the help of our nub-like abilities and uber bad luck of being paired with other noobs.

            You know I prefer great games over points.

Piecemaker is an honorary member <333 :D!

            Buddy is a family member tooo &lt;3
about 8 years
We stay true to our name lol
over 8 years
wow, 7 yrs....and still no trophy....
almost 12 years
o hai
deletedover 13 years
He broke.
over 13 years
whatever happened to am
over 13 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Can I join this family?
almost 14 years
Ran left. What a bitch!
almost 14 years
i'm still here. if this family becomes active again, you can invite my alt IheartSkoffin, which also has a bunch of points and is trophyless
almost 14 years
Invite TGC. He has a medal but I dont think that counts and he said he would joins us :)
almost 14 years
I want to be added! I'm a trophy-less nub! :D
almost 14 years
oh haha well if u guys want anyone to join or if anyone interested just leave a name and stuff etc etc haha :D
almost 14 years
wellll it looks like lucid raised the limit for family members, the familys ahead of us have more members
almost 14 years
we are family number seven what the fudge >.< !!!!
almost 14 years
Is anyone still here?
about 14 years
<33333......Soooooooo :D
deletedover 14 years
Would u like to support the WU TANG CLUB ENEMIES??!!
over 14 years
over 14 years
For reals where is everyone! I miss you guys :(
over 14 years
M.I.A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
deletedover 14 years
Who plays sometimes I think?
deletedover 14 years
Also, I thought AntiqueMonkey was Ambipom?
deletedover 14 years
Not that I particularly care, but that tinyurl link that was posted on Ran's wall was a family-leave link, so you probably should reinvite Ran to your family.

over 14 years
hai Gdd, i haven't played in forever either, neither has antique I don't think.

If any of you have the time neg bomb these guys:
Darkjf Mirrored TGUNN Sharon Alphabeat Fllarv Matt12 Gorillachicken Mardukvalefar Cheeseydean Sjaelen Droully Lovemeplz tbayn
In support of our brother Ran, and because it'll just be funny.
over 14 years
Hey family!!! I'm honestly surprised that I'm still apart of this family haha I thought you guys would have for sure kicked me out. Thanks for keeping me. I'm planning on playing a lot more again.