
This means that I levity you, and also kittens.

~ If you wish to be an honorary member, inform us and we'll put you on the list, regardless of your current family!~

Honorary Members: anao, rory3000, awesumbear, GaryOak, clowny, SnowVillage, jetio4, GuiltyTownie/Whispy, Paris, spiderboom, Arrow, Christopherzilla, Weekay, jambecca, sonseray, puddiouddi, Tailfeathers, Jailfeathers, Tragedy, huntressGreenpaw, Rydia, RemiliaScarlet, VinylScratch, Talith, Genmnmnm, Asphyxialice, SakuyaIzayoi, Ferris2umi, Beanman, Aerosilia, Jashinist, Cayella, Mimichu, rainbow, all of GaryOak's alts, SlipKnot, xKandy, hotjacket, luvcheese, Zombifest, Gutfish, Natstar, Echos, Star, 123321qweewq, rikihero, kittymeowmeow, littlesishiyoko, reyjaikai, FireRed, rory3000, jimbei

Honorary Families: Detcetorp (Himeyasha's family) SPREAD THE LEVITY

almost 14 years
why was i not invited :C
deletedalmost 14 years
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.
deletedalmost 14 years
I'm here now.
almost 14 years
Go team.
almost 14 years
:3 (@ reinfleche)
almost 14 years
That is a beautiful killer win. I give it Levity approval.
almost 14 years

Andrea. This man deserves Karma.
almost 14 years
123321qweewq 1 day 3 hours i was kidding :3 (just to make her mad) | I'm more mad about being called a she :<
almost 14 years
Spread it like butter.
deletedalmost 14 years
spread the levity ♥
almost 14 years
Rein is a guy...
almost 14 years
i was kidding :3 (just to make her mad)
almost 14 years
LOL Rein, I am so sorry, people used to do that to me tooo
almost 14 years
rein, so i heard that u had an anime avatar i love anime so much lol i guess you do too.
almost 14 years
What a happy family.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years

You've got to be fucking kidding me
almost 14 years
=D <3
almost 14 years
:D (L)