

The Fam Quotes From The Skypiest Of Well's

>(1:14:30 AM) Karma:hey maroddoodle

> (4:04:34 PM) marodd:im having stuffed shells atm

> (4:05:28 PM) Geoff:Get stuffed nerd

> (6:48:01 PM)Barti:You had a nerdgasm

> (3:07:39PM)hinri:tutturu

> Round27 Barti: What's my anti-drug? , A sack of chocolate covered > testicles

> (11:44:56 PM)Geoff:Or a bundle of french fries

> Karmacrac:coldie always said life is like a box of guisers, you > never know who you're gonna get

> (07:57)Chilipoop:barti rhymes with farti

> ohtoews:bort, coldie was trying to say bobs burgers but she said > cocs curgers

almost 11 years
PLS i wish 2 join
almost 11 years
Nice family XD
almost 11 years
All captured by coldie and barts.
almost 11 years
I have yet to find a shiny hinri. Sucks.
almost 11 years
I found a wild coldie and barts last night. I fainted.
deletedalmost 11 years
Hey, mah friends ;)
almost 11 years
awww gio, get better luv!!
almost 11 years
ooo: Sometimes my family has to use the computer and stuff and I'm mesmerized by some series on Netflix. That, or I just didn't feel well. I still have a lingering cold or something. I'm sorry. :(
almost 11 years
Gio i was around last saturday where was you??? im gunna be on tonite if your around today.. like 5 to 6 hrs after this post? if not.. see ya saturday!!!
about 11 years
Probably because he's so bad at Hide-And-Seek. :D
about 11 years
awwwww, why would you ever not wanna play with gio?!?!?!
about 11 years
I meant why as in Why don't you wanna play with me? :s
about 11 years
why what? whaaaaaaaaat?
about 11 years
No one. Hinri why. :'c
about 11 years
wait wait wait, who is playing hide an seek?
about 11 years
... ... ......
about 11 years
Wow okay. Fine. Pfft. I didn't wanna play anyway. ...
about 11 years
about 11 years
Busy busyness is occuring hinri :c We'll all try to play actual hide-and-seek when we all stop being busy bees. Mkay?
about 11 years
Stop playing hide-and-seek against me pls
about 11 years
<3 gio <3
about 11 years
I just noticed. It's been four months and I still acknowledge the presence of many of these people. <3
about 11 years
I wonder many wondrous things. Hi people.
about 11 years
yes please
about 11 years
Can I join this?