The Unknown


Ohai, this is new fam, just want to say <3, let's do it. Listing all members current and date of joining.

  • GoldenSunEagle 12/14/2011
  • ElmosWorld 12/14/2011
about 13 years
yesyouasshole would be cool to have, but i think he doesnt play on that alt anymore..idk
about 13 years
Yeah, I sent it to him a few days ago, and he hasn't responded. :/ Any other ideas?
about 13 years
hmm, he hasn't seen it yet i guess...
about 13 years not sure if he will accept : /
about 13 years
true dat :) we have 7 more slots available for people to join our family. any suggestions?
about 13 years
Awesome family is awesome :D
deletedabout 13 years
fucks up fam?
about 13 years
nice! congrats guys, lets start rising up that HOF
about 13 years
welcome to the HOF everyone just made it.
about 13 years
I'm waiting :L
about 13 years
Ooo i want to go on vacation
about 13 years
yeah that would be nice! aren't you already in one, though?
about 13 years
want me to join?
about 13 years
Hey guys, sorry, was kind of on a mini vaca, but I'll be a bit more active in the upcoming weeks.
about 13 years
we need some more people, who could we get that doesnt already have a family?
deletedover 13 years
BOO bahahahaha, this sounds like a wonderful family. even if we're the invisible man. And although the invisible man is pretty well known...we are unknown
over 13 years
over 13 years
nice pic
over 13 years
ohai welcome to new fams