la french connection


the aim of each family is the same. Troll other families. Also if you DO speak french (all of us don't) it's a free guisetest :D Also, use pro strategies.

Members 1

almost 13 years
Omelette AU fromage ! Comment ça va les biatch ? (What up bitches ?)
almost 13 years
Yeah, use fool whisper in fool games to make the family win :o
almost 13 years
the best family, lets play some fool games together haha
almost 13 years
i already did with everyone lol
almost 13 years
okay, time for some mass karmawhoring.
Lets' +k each other.
almost 13 years
robrob negged all of us man
almost 13 years
I got negged in one of the Disguiser games. =S
almost 13 years