

> Zenith (noun): a highest point or state; culmination.

We are Celestial

As a family, our mission is to be productive, but to have fun. Our goal is to annoy others, but to love and be loved and to be forever loyal to our own, even at the risk of being discourteous to others. If you are part of this family, you are, above all else, a Phawker in every sense of the word. I love you all ♥ - Troll

In fact, you could say we are Sweet and Elite.

> The Zenith Crown of Justice - http://puu.sh/9rrdc/93be069241.png - Limit one per customer*

(no bronies allowed)


  • SeanmanX: The fallen king
  • AlexMeanberg: Leader of the WIFOM Division, OGI Master of disaster. BREAKING THE LAW BREAKING THE LAW BREAKING THE LAW, and a training noob
  • RainbroDash: He once impaled 20 men with a pungee stick, got a flamethrower, and lit them up. Never once did he use a knife. Also he's not a brony.
  • aliciaxlovely dead, RIP :""(((
  • PINKlEPIE: Pony pony pony pony, pony pony pony!
  • Halogen: The Ghost, the man of one million faces.
  • Circle: Shapes may die n1, but he'll steamroll you.
  • BestPony: He's really a baby dragon, but he's still a pony in his own mind and heart. ♥
  • misfitMissy: Princess of posh, destroyer of dreams, and supreme commander in StopThots2k14!!
  • Troll: The greatest sailor known to man and wolf, he's seen things man. He once helped a dolphin give birth in the atlantic ocean during Hurricane Bad. He then ate that dolphin and absorbed the entire dolphin lineage.
  • ninjakurtis: not a brony and takes a drink every time someone suggests that.

wE rIdE tOgEtHeR wE d1e ToGeThEr MotHhHHHh$$r fuuuu$$kkerr

Ironically enough, we died separated.

deletedabout 12 years
LF> Major League Epicmafia Players that are superior others to join Zenith
about 12 years
when did rifle leave
deletedabout 12 years
Firo is now our friend
about 12 years
im a pony palllllllll~~~~~~~~~~~``
deletedabout 12 years
guys, i would really appreciate joining this family once i get 1000 points k thanks pony bra-ha-ha-ha
deletedabout 12 years
You're in first place! You have gold sealed away! You dont need encouragement!
deletedabout 12 years
some family encouragement would be nice.
about 12 years
dem baritone space apes
deletedabout 12 years
I lost hearts definitely trolled.
deletedabout 12 years
deletedabout 12 years
Guys my round chart is bad, I think I was trolled.
deletedabout 12 years
GG Petermh
about 12 years
Peter goes 1/3 and he gets gold lol
deletedabout 12 years
deletedabout 12 years
zenith swag
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
ponies culu
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
RainbroDash 11 hours 46 minutes
PINKIE needs to be king-ed Is there a template? ♥
deletedabout 12 years
I'm def winning a trophy this round.
about 12 years
PINKIE needs to be king-ed
about 12 years
about 12 years
Gaius 3 days 19 hours
http://puu.sh/GrF0 LOL pony just realized she was invited ♥♥♥ she just asked it without noticing that ♥ definitely belongs here ♥♥♥ reinvite plx ♥♥
about 12 years
pony, pony, pony? ♥♥♥
deletedabout 12 years