

We play the game with Zeal. This family is mostly a family of friends & people who enjoy playing together. We do require you to be somewhat experienced at mafia however. If you want to join you need to have three current members recommend you, and you can't be "hated" by one of our current members, we don't want in-family drama.

Also we like bronze trophies, if you couldn't tell. Silvers are okay, too.

Family Goals:

  1. Reach 500 k points

  2. Get 10 bronze trophies

  3. Friendship!

Official Zeal Forum:


> http://www.epicmafia.com/forum/lobby/29


Family wars

LOTUS surrendered after 24 hours.

Kawaii sucks is no longer even on the highest ruling leaderboard

War on Vivid Faggotry is currently being waged

about 12 years
Katie 2 minutes 37 seconds

eKatie 51 seconds OriginALJazza 1 minute 19 seconds Gafgarion 23 hours 29 minutes @ Giga: I'd love to add CasualConner but you'd need to convince him to leave his current family :lllllllllllllllll
deletedabout 12 years
eKatie 51 seconds
OriginALJazza 1 minute 19 seconds Gafgarion 23 hours 29 minutes @ Giga: I'd love to add CasualConner but you'd need to convince him to leave his current family :lllllllllllllllll
about 12 years
OriginALJazza 1 minute 19 seconds
Gafgarion 23 hours 29 minutes @ Giga: I'd love to add CasualConner but you'd need to convince him to leave his current family :lllllllllllllllll
about 12 years
Gafgarion 23 hours 29 minutes @ Giga: I'd love to add CasualConner but you'd need to convince him to leave his current family

about 12 years
Katt, my Skype is simply TheKillerNacho.
about 12 years
about 12 years
did connor leave his family and say yes to joining? gaf i need your skype again sorry :/
about 12 years
None of us our hurt except we lost a bronze lol!
deletedabout 12 years
Sorry, didn't think you guys'd be hurt =/ thanks for accepting me back though
about 12 years
Oh gaf I'm sorry that you lost your power...and runwithkitt is Katt's alt lol. She shouldn't mind, but ask anyway. And Rondar should rejoin on Rondar because basically all he did was lose a Bronze for a different name in the family qhen it's still the same person lol.
about 12 years
@ Giga:

I'd love to add CasualConner but you'd need to convince him to leave his current family & I'd need to talk to RunWithKitt to see if she's ok with being kicked.
about 12 years
Sorry guys, I dont have power thanks to Hurricane Sandy.

I just invited MonsterMess. And even tho I'm hurt that Rondar decided to leave us, I'll add ReelTin.
about 12 years
about 12 years
Well shit, he just joined /rekt. :|
about 12 years
imo kick Runwithkitt out and add CASUALCONNER AKA CONDIGN http://www.epicmafia.com/user/141246
deletedabout 12 years
If you add reel and monster we'll be back ahead of /rekt.
about 12 years
gaff i dont have you on skype anymore can we get monster mess added?
about 12 years
why is monster not in our family yet?
deletedabout 12 years
It's k katt, I will win a trophy.
about 12 years
this just means we need to start winning more tropheez
about 12 years
wtf we are seriously behind rekt now, that rondar left..... fuck we need to recruit members
about 12 years
Rondar come back on Rondar because Rondar has a Bronze and we need to get high on the HoF and Zeal likes Bronzes lol.
deletedabout 12 years
Reel > Rondar. :D Blame monster =3
deletedabout 12 years
<3 ~
about 12 years
but Reel is awkward. i like rondar :(