

We play the game with Zeal. This family is mostly a family of friends & people who enjoy playing together. We do require you to be somewhat experienced at mafia however. If you want to join you need to have three current members recommend you, and you can't be "hated" by one of our current members, we don't want in-family drama.

Also we like bronze trophies, if you couldn't tell. Silvers are okay, too.

Family Goals:

  1. Reach 500 k points

  2. Get 10 bronze trophies

  3. Friendship!

Official Zeal Forum:


> http://www.epicmafia.com/forum/lobby/29


Family wars

LOTUS surrendered after 24 hours.

Kawaii sucks is no longer even on the highest ruling leaderboard

War on Vivid Faggotry is currently being waged

over 12 years
New goal. Convince runwithfire to leave her current family and join ours. She is a great person and also has a bronze :)
over 12 years
wait do we not want silver or golds in here?
over 12 years
Remember, go for the bronze!!!
deletedover 12 years
I'm going to run!
over 12 years
Sirius has a serious chance at a Bronze trophy this round! Go Sirius!! Get another bronze for us!!!!!
deletedover 12 years
all of u, EVEN BOMB run hard next round, put in all u got, we wants trophies, we need a gold and a silver to be in the HoF, maybe even less, idk. BUT DO IT, RUNRUNRUN (in memory of Runners, may they RIP)
over 12 years
They jelly of our bronzes.
deletedover 12 years
Sippy Cup Club.
over 12 years
new training people. most of em play like shit so im taking one round break.
over 12 years
and so our power grows
over 12 years
What new training shit?
over 12 years
im not gonna play for the next round. new training shit is gettin to me.
over 12 years
Oh hello there :')
over 12 years
Don't really know him too well. But a friend of Katt is a friend of mine.
deletedover 12 years
MateoMhm? I don't know him too well, but he's pretty cool.
deletedover 12 years
I dont personally know mateo, i dont mind.
over 12 years
I say nay
also I nominate mateo for invite what say you guys?
deletedover 12 years
Cool! then could u please send her the invite?
over 12 years
I don't personally know Monster, but if you guys want him in it's fine with me.
over 12 years
yes invite monster.
deletedover 12 years
Sorry for doing this again lol, but MonsterMess is interested, she says if TKN'll invite her she'll join, so.. Aye? or Nay? Also considered asking Blues? idk if he would tho
deletedover 12 years
The avi works fine for me...
deletedover 12 years
You know I havent seen our avi yet lol, somethings up and it doesn't show up in my browser, lol
over 12 years
Well, you're invited, Puff. Add one more bronze to our collection!