

Noiz sucks rocks

said the dude who screws around with his lion all day
over 10 years
lel lel lel look at this pizza nerd trying to be tuff u ain't even cute
over 10 years
morphine could take ur rhyme team out anyday lmaonerd
morphine sux
rhyme 4 lyfe
almost 11 years
Booty why come back I love you ;-;
almost 11 years
nobody even notices i left the "family" amazing i ran away from home and my own family didnt notice im hurt
almost 11 years
Toripu is really cool, Wiirusu, the beautiful.
almost 11 years
ninja clan here we stand
about 11 years
[trips while trying to leave]
[falls over]
about 11 years
about 11 years
I can't think of anything witty to say here so HELLO.