Syndicates of Evil

                                                          We Are Back!

Syndicates of Evil

Well it's probably about time I got this thing up and running again. Welcome to the grand reopening of Syndicates of Evil!

We are a fairly small family, but we're looking to recruit; if you are interested, PM Evil for more information.

Basic Expectations

My New Media professor thrives off of setting incredibly vague expectations. I've learned that this leads to severe problems, especially when it's for a grade. Luckily, none of you are going to be graded here, and I will be absolutely clear in what I expect from each of you.

a) No game-throwing. If you want to dispute a report made against you, PM Evil the report URL for review.

b) Always lynch Evil D1 (everyone does it anyways, he's accepted his fate. Plus, a funny Mario noise plays every time he is slain)

c) That's really about it, I'm not really into rules; basically just don't be a dick.

There. 100% not vague.


This family is mostly made up of my close friends, but this is where I acknowledge those who are a part of this Syndicate whether they know it or not.

Sirindu LeMeJoe ScarletWolf CAT3101 RamZor PeterPanOUaT

And others who I'm probably neglecting to mention.


Inactive members are listed here. Partially to publicly shame them, partially because I want to ensure everyone remembers how awesome they were in the event they don't return.



Y'all have abandoned us and we miss you. Don't make us worry so, come home.

almost 8 years
I have no idea what's going on with EM rn but my profile is acting weird. Looking into it
almost 8 years
Almost done everybody! I've finished ALL my projects (went pretty well too), now just working on wrapping up the finals tests themselves and I'm home free! See you all again soon!
almost 8 years
I'll probably be completely AWOL these next three weeks. I have to wrap up all of my projects this week and study next week for finals the week following, so I'm a bit busy! See you guys soon, I'll check in from time to time.
almost 8 years

I'm so honored.
almost 8 years
If there is anyone you guys want to see in the acknowledgements, please PM me their usernames so that I can list them! I don't want only my opinions up there, so please, if there's anything at all you guys want to see; don't hesitate to ask!
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
That you are! Get us a kudo while you're at it :D
almost 8 years
im brining up that score boio
almost 9 years
I think the term is syndicate :V
almost 9 years
I miss being active here. Heads up to all SoL members: you will be given premium access to the game I am currently in the process of making (if you want to, of course). It isn't really anything as of yet, but once it takes off I'll notify all of you.
over 9 years
Firstly: I knew you'd make it to the finals of EMI. I'm extremely proud. Secondly: Thank god you're back too because the site has been somewhat bland recently, and once we get our player activity up, we will begin organizing games again! I'm also attempting to get Scholomance up and running again, although that has been a process I've been putting off for awhile.
over 9 years
Alright folks. school has started once more... I have now settled out with my schedule and found a rhythm that works for me... I am once more going to be here quite regularly. for my first order of business.... if anyone wants to go check out my and the other 2 finalists submissions for emi3, here is the link for voting. Vote for whoever you see fit, although I'd be pumped if it was me ;)
over 9 years
Friends, I have returned. Move-in day was today, and therefore I am in college and have much more time to play. I'll start updating EVERYTHING tonight. Look for changes in Scholomance, the Syndicate, and my profile page over the next week. I have a very powerful art app that should be able to handle any backgrounds/avatars. If any of you want custom backgrounds/avatars, I will make you one with perfect dimensions + high definition! If you can't tell I'm very excited about this.
over 9 years
hey, so I"ll be making occasional reappearances... miss you all <3
over 9 years
We were a bit late to be certain! But a majority of our members left or have been too busy (College Stuff/Work in the case of dwight and I, iJacob left [I'll miss him]). The fact that we got here at all is awesome!
over 9 years
Eight days late, but the family certainly does have 100,000 points now, doesn't it?
deletedover 9 years
(My english is worse than ever, sorry).
deletedover 9 years
Okay. I hope you come soon, then!
over 9 years
@Ashaly, Yo no estoy de vuelta todavĂ­a, pero voy a estar en de vez en cuando !
deletedover 9 years
Hi Evil, welcome back.
over 9 years
My friends, I am so very sorry that I've been so inactive. My summer has been somewhat busy, so I haven't been on in quite awhile, and for that I apologize. I'll be on more once I've moved into my dorm room in about a month, I'll probably be on sporadically in that time though, so keep an eye out for me in lobbies!
over 9 years
agreed. things are starting to calm down for me at least, can't speak for anyone else but I'd be down for a game night in the next week or so
over 9 years
2 kudos in the same week!! O.O how crazy/surreal!!! :D
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
I'm back, comrades :)