


“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"

Death thought about it.

"CATS," he said eventually. "CATS ARE NICE.”

              Our Mission: Spread Love for Cats


♛ JuliaMeow ♛

Krista Kevin Slay schutzekatze Miloo7 Body Sincerely caels Timothy Bluezy prcsmath Simplton Achieina

RIP Meow


about 6 years
also yes a update - my cats are doing well. lucy still enjoys cuddling and following me wherever i go
about 6 years
Only OGs
over 6 years
over 6 years
omg send pic
about 7 years
I have 4 cats now. Just wanted to update you all.
over 7 years
i have 2 dogs :O
over 7 years
I've been feeding a feral cat for a few months now. Yay‼ (^:
over 7 years
hi guys! i kind of just lurk-joined, but i like cats and the background is super cute :-)
over 7 years
Alas its now time to leave the litter and be like Oliver & Company
almost 8 years
p.s found that on reddit, looked so cute!
almost 8 years
almost 8 years

A kitten I'm temporarily looking after :3
almost 8 years
guys we're literally 3rd best family #ICONIC <3
almost 8 years
I have a virtual cat, does that count?
almost 8 years
Where do i sign up to this cult?

is there like a entrance exam?
deletedalmost 8 years
I <3 cats could i please join?
about 8 years
;-; these cat pics are so cute
about 8 years
our fellow cat, Meow, has self deleted :-( we will meowss you
about 8 years
meow :D
about 8 years
its been real but my cat's been scratching me lately and im considering fighting her >:[
over 8 years
yay finally :3 hi every1
over 8 years
cats are the best smh.
over 8 years
its been 43977600 seconds since this fam was made. still Cats family biggest fan :*
over 8 years
"hands down the worst family i've come across so far". We may like puppies and dogs, but we won't allow your anti-cat views past our well-gated cat protected walls!
over 8 years
How do I become a part of this...