Xpecial Family


Mission: To rule EM being honest and rightful (NO CHEATING ALLOWED)

The Boss: DoctorX

Members: Xpecial people


  • Become one of the Highest Ruling Families
  • Become one of the top 3 families
  • Get to 50k points DONE
  • Get to 100k points DONE
  • Get to 200k points
  • Get to 300k points
  • Get to 500k points
  • Get to 100 karma
  • Get to 50 kudo
  • Win an EMO edition (next one is EMO6)
  • Win a trophy DONE (thanks sly)

(suggest more in comments)

deletedabout 9 years
Alright fam bringing home a gold trophy for the team!!! Yay!!!
about 9 years
Yooo, it's been real. And I tried to carry to 1st in EMO6. But, I gotta make like a tree and remove myself from this fam.
about 9 years
I agree... guys we're already doing great... We were in 1st place when MG updated scores and we're still fighting for 1st place... KEEP PLAYING AND WINNING!!!
about 9 years
i want every one to focus on EMO6
i might be no boss but i mean it !
about 9 years
I think these are fine:

Terribad Cop
Basic Scumhunt
Politics as Usual

and not that well known by other families, we could do fine... See if you like them
about 9 years
Comp: https://epicmafia.com/setup/969460 "This setup is bad etc.." The sheriff one that everyone always plays. It's fun.
about 9 years
Since I get to pick setups, does anyone have ideas of what they want comped
about 9 years
It is not probably at this point, Im getting a trophy regardless.

Lets just hope its silver (because I can't win gold)
about 9 years
thEye dq'd... Laser you prob got a trophy!!! Even if you don't, congratulations for your run!

about 9 years
LaserVP trying to snipe gold. gogogogoog
about 9 years
i feel special already

lets get down to business
about 9 years
Welcome all the new members... this family is looking great for EMO6 :)
deletedabout 9 years
You already have more than 100k points, though~
deletedabout 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
Hi family!!!

Please upvote this setup, it's fancy pants with a detective (detective is way harder to cc, if he's on pr, while not being different if on mafia). Also, you can get the detective achievement :D

over 9 years
Family, my round 314 started well enough, I hope I can run this time!!! :) Hope to bring a trophy to the family :) :) :)
over 9 years
Please everybody welcome our new family member: DrPapson!

Also, please, be more active and suggest new cool stuff for the family :)
over 9 years
If anybody here knows how to change the pic of our family, please suggest one (and tell me how to do it) :)