The Dream Team


Current Mission:

  • 150,000 score
  • 500 Karma

Pursuing the mission is completely optional, most important thing is that you all have a great experience being part of The Dream Team!

deletedover 8 years
333 karma~
over 8 years
This family is lit
over 8 years
hai fam take the poll
over 8 years
You all remind me of this~ Cute things dreaming. (I can't post gifs [read I'm to lazy to figure it out])
deletedover 8 years
die weebs
deletedover 8 years
yall are a bunch of weebs
over 8 years
Jazzy, we're two groups of people playing an online version of a card game

Get over yourself
over 8 years
:\\\ apparently it runs in their family
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years


What spies?
over 8 years
Yes Thunderus, just the same as your fam except I don't let insufferable peasants like some of you in. One thing I envy of Joe is his patience
deletedover 8 years
This is where people go when their rejected from heaven?
over 8 years
i thought it was a 15 people limit
over 8 years
I like to join as I already am fam with a few here.
over 8 years
I suck at vivor >.<
over 8 years
i ready to beat you guys in vivor!!
over 8 years
i refuse to participate in activities with the enemy
over 8 years
So Joe and I discussed the possibility of us doing a vivor game where it's The Afterglow vs. The Dream Team, it sounds really fun to me so I wanted to see if anyone else was interested? Upvote if you're into it and I guess downvote if you aren't? (◠‿◠✿)
over 8 years
Mmmm it's not traitorous if I literally told you I'd leave for any fam Llama was in when I joined :P
over 8 years
So we more or less traded Jah for Syng in this fam war? Hey, fine by me.

deletedover 8 years
haiii fam~ ^.^
over 8 years
I have been adopted. I feel so loved <3
deletedover 8 years
Hey fams, Nice to meet you all. <3
over 8 years
Okay I joined the rival family. I'm ready to war against you guys. :)
over 8 years
this group is adorable af.