
Report #272,666

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openabout 5 yearsfor Game 7044501
OGI, we really need to stop people from claiming that voting them is GT, or after the fact they are being hammered saying that people are GT'ing. If you are being voted just accept it. This hurts the game esp when new players are being subjected to it.
about 5 years
Thats the thing, Korben- I never implied he was GT. I did two things:

1. Ask if he is a GT account.
2. Say wow, there have been a lot of GT accounts lately.

I was playing the game and accepted my loss at that point because both of you had kicked. Also not sure how I implied he was a GT account but I understand everyone interprets things differently so I apologize for not stating it clearly enough for you.
about 5 years
Do you also realize how silly it looks when you imply someone is a GT acc as you turn out to be mafia?
about 5 years
implying that he GT. Thats the shit that needs to stop. If you lose you lose, stop trying to confuse new players with false accusations out of rage. just play the damn game
about 5 years
Also, the last thing I am doing is beating around the bush. I'm discussing it directly and giving my reasons.
about 5 years
Hey Korben, I respect your argument but I must say it's very sad to see you are twisting the truth. When I said yikes was when you both kicked - there was no possible way for him to "unvote before kicks". I was genuinely wondering if this was a gt account because they couldn't seem to give me a reason for why they cleared you.
about 5 years
Quit beating around the bush. Interesting that you "ask" if he is a GT account immediately after he stated his reason for voting you. Anyone who reads the context of why/when you asked about his alleged GT account will understand that you did it out of rage/desperate attempt at last minute flip or unvote before kicks. This is the kind of shit that needs to stop in games ffs.
about 5 years
Also- sadly it seems as though you cannot read- I never claimed that they are a GT account. Simply asked a question then stated a fact that there are so many gt accounts lately.
about 5 years
As you can see, I did not refer to meta, did not post anywhere revealing game information, did not report or threaten to report a player during the game, did not use third party functions to make in game decisions, and did not pretend to cheat or refer to pregame messages. Simply ASKING someone if they are a gt account is not vio-able. If I had said something along the lines of "If you don't unvote me then i will report you for being a GT account" then that would be OGI.
about 5 years
Here are the rules in case you cannot find them:

Using tools or processes outside of a game in a game including, but not limited to: posting on profiles, lobbies, or the forums revealing game-related information, clearly stated meta posted on profile, whether followed or not, reporting a player in a game in progress, using third party functions or sites to make in-game decisions, bribes or threats (such as karma, kudos, breaking a rule and reporting), and pregame pact. Pretending to cheat as a reaction test also falls under OGI.
about 5 years
When i said yikes was when they both kicked. Also, ASKING if someone is a gt account is different than saying "IF U DONT UNVOTE U ARE A GT ACCOUNT AND I WILL REPORT YOU"

Korben, I'm really sorry about how you seem to misunderstand site rules and hope you can brush up on them soon. Hugs and kisses to you
about 5 years
1. There have been multiple GT accounts lately and everyone asks this

2. Both of them already kicked when I said that, votes were no longer being influenced. Korben is trying to report me for absolutely no reason.