  • Appears as villager to self.
  • If visited during the night, it will reveal all visitors, but only one mafia. The order is random.
  • When whispered, the whisper always leaks.
  • Cannot be silenced by a Silencer.
  • Will not be alerted if visited by a Ninja.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Sweet Dreams played 3,926 times
Jingle all the Way played 3,888 times
Thriller played 3,117 times
Fisher Price DLYV played 673 times
Thriller played 461 times
Guiser perfected played 165 times
Not Fancy Pants! played 144 times
Official Forest Fire played 113 times
Take Me to Jail played 108 times
Shut The Fuck Up and Lynch played 105 times
almost 6 years
nadaaver 87mon 27d
it was actually supposed to reveal the roles who visited, not the people. oh well.

Hello? Lucid?
over 7 years
Ninja can already shoot bomb without getting killed, so how are they able to kill loudmouth without getting called out? The role description I believe should be changed to: when whisperING, the whisper always leaks.
about 10 years
LOUDMOUTH: When visited during the night, will reveal all visitors. --- Does anyone else see the word "ALL" there? If that isn't what the role does, the description must be changed.
almost 13 years
Fun Fact, driver doesn't wake up Loudmouth
deletedalmost 13 years
why can't it get masoned....
almost 13 years
I won 2 of the games for loudmouth
about 13 years
It even gets ninja when he visits. WHAT THE EFF.
about 13 years
It's okay.. my Zombie role wasn't made exactly as I made it out to be. I feel your pain! Oh well!
about 13 years
it was actually supposed to reveal the roles who visited, not the people. oh well.
deletedabout 13 years
Negged. has the potential to be a role but is plagued by shitty mechanics. remove the appears as blue to self part and make it so that mafia isn't outted when they kill the loudmouth.
about 13 years
Personally I like this icon better. Looks more unique.
about 13 years
Nadaaver didn't make a transparent background. That's probably why Lucid chose mine.
about 13 years
holy shit this icon is fucking horrible, naad's is better
deletedabout 13 years
See my below comment. That's how the role should have been.
about 13 years
its an autowin for town if loudmouth is killed. :/ too overpowered
about 13 years
I like it :) Alternate names, maybe The Gossip?
deletedabout 13 years
Needs to be changed:

-Appears as villager to self
-When investigated, appears as villager
-Chooses a person at night
-Publicizes that person's system message the next day (maybe add 50% chance?)
-Sided with the village

Also you're welcome nadaaver. I badgered lucid about this :p
deletedabout 13 years
I do like it to OP could let mafia know town roles and let town know mafia/3rds now cool negged sorry
about 13 years
Maybe you shouldn't let it reveal anything if they die at night, because then this role would be too powerful.
about 13 years
-Appears as villager to self and when orc'ed or revealed.
-Cannot be tailored.
-When investigated always appears inno, wether it naive cop, detective, etc.
- If visited HE gets a message of who visited him. If killed he will be able to shout to town from the graveyard for 1 line only. half the line in a random order will be jibberish.
-If whispered it will always leak. But once again half will be jibberish
-Sided with village.
about 13 years
It sorta does autoclear, even if it's revealed as a system message. Imagine Player X is the loudmouth and Y and Z visit them. Y and Z get revealed as having visited the loudmouth. One of them could be maf, and thus now knows the LM. So, the best thing is for LM to claim. LM now claims, and can't be effectively cc'd without revealing another maf.
about 13 years
Make it doesn't reveal if she dies.
about 13 years
I would still like the visitor's roles to be revealed. Just have a system message like Brobat's suggestion that also reveals their roles.
about 13 years
if the loudmouth dies, i mean.
about 13 years
in a game with two mafia, it's basically just autowin for town =/