lol at ppl saying drunk is useless, srsly drunk is probably the most op role ever, jailer is probably next but drunk is god tier along side with driver
what if maf decides to nk, then it's pretty the same
deletedover 11 years
Drunk can prevent a sole mafia from killing. This may be fine for Sandbox. But for comp setup, this is too op. If it's 1 maf and 1 drunk left in 3 way, maf is very likely to get drunked and prevented from killing at all.
Currently it states Visits one person every night. Any role that visits will be role blocked.
Shouldn't it say Visits one person every night. Blocks the role of the person visited.
The former states that the drunk visits one person each night and anyone that visits will be role blocked. In practice, the drunk actually does the latter. The drunk actually visits that person and then blocks that person from fulfilling his role.
NO!! its not overpowering. What you guys are failing to realize is that the power the drunk has can be used against them. If the mafia is clever enough they can use the drunks abilities to trick them.
deletedalmost 15 years
+k this role is the bomb...Wait, no...The bomb is the bomb.