  • Can give two pieces of bread every night.
  • Once the Baker is dead, the famine begins. Whoever does not have bread for 3 days will die from famine.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Where's the Bread? played 265 times
Hot Cross Buns played 188 times
Tricked Ya played 141 times
lover/baker stickers played 140 times
Bread Dead Redemption played 130 times
about 6 years
Why does the description say 3 days when it's actually 3 phases (days and nights)?
almost 7 years
If baker sui's n1:

Like, what?
over 8 years
If masoned baker dies it will still bring a famine
over 9 years
Didn't the Baker only cause a famine when killed? When was it changed to start the moment bread is given out?
over 9 years
I really love the concept!
over 10 years
Best role ever!
almost 11 years
baker should be a 3rd and should be "wins if everyone dies"
deletedabout 12 years
unvoted to -67
stupid role
over 12 years
Hey, hey, guys. I'm an oracle. Shoot me. *ten seconds later* (Insert raging here)
over 12 years
-80, it's not really a bad role, it can go with a nice setup, its just like lk.
over 12 years
why does the werewolf die of famine when he's eating villagers?
over 12 years
over 12 years
How about we just get rid of the role....all it does is destroy games.
over 12 years
Negged to -50!
over 12 years
deletedover 12 years
Die peeta Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 13 years
Nobody should start with bread
almost 13 years
no... i dont like the fact that everyone has bread now with baker... just makes thief winif hes in it
over 13 years
I dislike this role 8)
over 13 years
I agree with the upgrade to force him to give two breads a night, it would mix things up.
almost 14 years
lol bunch of crybabies
almost 14 years
so mafia die without food to right lol?
over 14 years
A role that only assists trolls. Delete it post haste.
over 14 years
negged for trolling.
deletedover 14 years