Mechanics testing: If someone gets a suit, detectives (and Stalkers -- but not Cops, even if it's a maf suit) see them as the suited role. Insane Cops start with suits, Actresses get suits when they act, and Tailor gives out suits. Capiche? Furthermore, if an Oracle dies and reveals a suited person, they're revealed as the suit.
This is totally mafia, you're all missing the in-game implications of this. If tailor suits, say, a mafia as cop, who then ccs as cop and gets lynch. Now towns thinks REAL cop is "ovb" mafia. this role has been suggested NUMEROUS times in many different ways. This one is a little OP, but the ability to make no role truly clear makes people have to rely on actual scumhunting skillz, rather then just following the clear or using loop holes
This role should be mafia-sided. It makes no sense as town. As for people claiming it's overpowered, the tailor just makes the game functionally a no-reveal and setups using this role can be tailored to account for that. If you want to make it less powerful, you could (1) prevent tailor effect from taking effect the night it's used (so maf can't kill+tailor someone), (2) make tailor a one-time use like janitor, (3) allow mortician to see the real role, (4) put watcher/tracker in the setup. They devastate this role.
Scenario 1: Mafia kills a blue with the "C suit. d1: Town lynch the cop. Scenario 2: Town kills a blue with a mafia suit. d2: Town rl thinking they had an ml and lose.
deletedabout 14 years
Scenario 1: n1: Maf kills a blue with a "Doc" suit. n2: Maf tries to kill cop.
Scenario 2: n1: Maf kills the doc with a "Blue" suit. n2: Maf avoids the cop.