  • Clock starts at 6.
  • Chooses one person to kill each night.
  • If victim is villager, clock goes up one hour.
  • If victim is mafia, clock goes up two hours.
  • If victim is third party, clock goes down three hours.
  • Gets an extra life if clock goes to 9 o clock.
  • Dies immediately if clock lands on 3.
  • Wins if 12 o clock, or if one of last 2 alive.
deletedover 12 years
nerf the starting time...
deletedover 12 years
This is a terrible fucking role.

It is just a killer with the retardedness that it can n1 end games like creepy girl. Really?
over 12 years
The role really needs to start at a different time. I think it has promise, but right now I hate how, if he hits a third, he autowins. There's no skill involved, only dumb luck.
over 12 years
night 1 wins are possible for town and maf in various setups. there is no reason to "fix" this, as even if these roles were used in comp lobby (they aren't), points aren't distributed on night 1 ends.
over 12 years
I don't think winning N1 is that big of an issue, seeing that the chance for him to win N1 is same as , if not less than, that of the creepy girl(multiple people can die N1, while clockmaker can only kill one person per night). If you really think winning N1 for clockmaker needs "fixing", then it's only fair if you "fix" creepy girl as well.
over 12 years
Wow. I don't know why the starting time was changed from 8 to 9. 8 is much better, it isn't an Auto-win night one. plus i had some more idea's for this roles time strategy and points and i put it in the forums and Lucid didn't change it... please see my forum post Lucid..
Theres a lot of tweaking that needs to be made on this role. and it shouldn't have been made so soon, because its only made people mad.
over 12 years
N1 Autowin needs to go away, this is rather bullshit.
over 12 years
If he gets a 3rd N1, he autowins...uhh...fix that?
over 12 years
by killing 2 towns and a third
over 12 years
How would this role ever reach 1 if they die at 6 and only mafia kills decrease the time?
over 12 years
I think this role can be very interesting in certain setups. Clockmaker has to kill based on who he thinks is town/mafia/third party. Can add a whole new level to the night kills.
over 12 years
agree with brobat
over 12 years
Ok first of all, how will he EVER die by the clock getting to 6 o clock. He'll need to have the stupidest luck in the world if he actually manages to kill 2 mafia, so unless someone kills him off, he's never going to die. Think the kill time needs to be tweaked a bit
over 12 years
@Brobat, thx, exactly my point. I really don't get what Lucidrains was thinking.
over 12 years
deletedover 12 years
Is there supposed to be an icon with this role? Mine just shows up as pure white...
over 12 years
>mfw Clock King role

You have to be fucking kidding me.
deletedover 12 years
This role is confusing as hell.
over 12 years
Yay! I helped with this role!
over 12 years
Due to the way in which his clock is set up he favors shooting town roles over Mafia roles almost 100% of the time. This is basically an overly complicated Killer role with extra win conditions, bonus lives, and a mafia bias. I hate when lucid adds stupid stuff like this instead of NEW and INTERESTING role ideas.
over 12 years
I think it seems too mafia sided... Its like a killer basically, but with more win conditions, that specifically does not want to target mafia. Third party shouldn't be so incredibly biased towards one side. Other than that, I like it.
over 12 years
@Nomasaurus Look, I didn't really mean to bash on it since it's necessarily not a bad role. Sorry if it sounded like that. I was just suprised over Lucidrains decision to create it. But hey, since the majority seems to like it and I belong to the minority then I guess my opinion is invalid ;).
deletedover 12 years
lucidrains 3 hours 2 minutes
the only part i don't like is the whole clockmaker dies leading to 2 day countdown. why is that necessary?


Consider that this role is the most complex one in existence, and requires true strategy to fulfull the win condition. It also allows the player to choose: Win through skill, or attempt to win through luck.
over 12 years
It seems Mafia sided if he's dissuaded from moving the clock back by killing Maf. Interesting premise though, plussed.
over 12 years
6:00 Am or Pm for his effect to kill himeself?

I personally think any time from 6 am to 6 pm should kill him so he has to be a little more strategic.

Loving this role idea so far btw.