  • Chooses two people during the day.
  • Those two people are invited to a banquet for dinner and conversation.
  • The two people know each other's roles but not each other's identities.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

EMBB Point Farm played 450 times
chefs r coolc played 302 times
deletedover 13 years
I like it
over 13 years
The drawback is that he can't see the meeting and like the jailer, does not know the role of the players sent to dinner.
over 13 years
it's just about giving the chef some sort of drawback like vigil. otherwise he can just invite anyone without ca care in the world.
over 13 years
@Tremingway, I don't completely agree with that. If all cops are dead the mafia could decide to nk if they know that the chef is alive. Therefore, if two people were sent to dinner and the next day no kill occurred, it doesn't necessarily mean that those two are mafia.
over 13 years
if 2 maf are invited to dinner they just turn the offer down and kill the chef thin the night while still carrying on their usual night's that?
over 13 years
isn't this kind of OP, what if the chef manages to invite 2 out of 2 maf to dinner? they won't be able to do anything for that night. then again, maybe if that happened, the chef dies? and if he's able to do this every night two people will be effectively disabled every night so there has to be some sort of catch like maybe on no lynch only
over 13 years
I think people are forgetting that the chef doesn't see the meeting. I don't see it being overpowered in lylo. If it's lets say a chef , mafia, and a blue left and he sends the two of them to dinner, it wouldn't make a difference. They could just lie and say they were with mafia. Like i said before theres no way of knowing 100% who's what.
over 13 years
Way too op in lylo or mylo, and way to similar to jailer.
over 13 years
Needs south park chef role icon, I don't have the art skills to make it happen though
deletedover 13 years
so if you have an uncced pr, you can set him up with an unclear and then the pr can confirm what their role is in the morning :)
over 13 years
I can see a lot of potential with this role. Thieves, silencers, and traitors would know other mafia members if they are invited by the chef, and if both caters are town sided then they can clear each other.
However, this can be quite overpowered if there are a decent number of power roles in a setup.
over 13 years
@Cyanide, this works similar to someone jailed by a jailer. The two people invited by the chef can only converse with each other at night. they can't chat with anyone else, perform any night actions, or be successfully targeted by any night actions.
over 13 years
Problem I see with this is that some parties have night meetings and already have a chat. What happens then?
over 13 years
Dark, chef doesnt see the meeting, and the people in them can don't know each other.So there's no way any1 can know 100% who's that role. Unless you send a clear, but if mafia knows it they can kill them.
over 13 years
Unless I'm missing something, this is practically one person with 2 drunk meetings and a stalker meeting sided with the village. Way OP
deletedover 13 years
This is nice, I like. +'d.
over 13 years
But that's why i think the fact that the maf could kill the clear if hes at dinner would help that. Docs or bgs wont work if they're at dinner.
over 13 years
I really like the idea, but something needs work. I mean if there's a clear and a chef you essentially have a clunky town-sided stalker. The clear would see "You arrive at dinner with a Mafia," then the next day they could easily have them lynched. I think it should have the names and NOT the roles, so there is still a deception factor to the dinners. It would be like a non-killing jailer (now that the jailer will get the ability to kill) with some extra spice. Get it? Spice? Oh whatever +k.
over 13 years
He'd die after the meeting, not sure.
deletedover 13 years
Yah, Great role, though it'd be hilarious to the 2 that were chosen

What if Chef Chose Granny? he'd die but would the meeting still go on?
deletedover 13 years
Love the idea. You shouldn't be allowed to pick the name though, probably just the role. I can imagine you send the cop and gf to dinner, the conversation will be epic.

Don't know how it can be incorporated though, this will mean some people will have 2 night meetings rather than just 1.
over 13 years
Good idea for a role. Not sure about the name though, because it might confuse people with the baker.
over 13 years
Bork bork bork bork
over 13 years
you would pick the name.You could send a clear but, they could die that night.
over 13 years
Would you pick the name or the role for the meeting? If you picked the name and sat it down with a clear, the clear would just find out that person's role.
Also, what would the two be expected to talk about?