  • Knows who all the mafias are.
  • If the last mafia is lynched, they get to choose who they think the seer is. If they are correct, they automatically win the game
  • Sided with the village

In popular setups

Look Guise a Cat played 110 times
almost 6 years
For your next clue: Find the role that can overpower even the greatest protection.
over 6 years
mafia version of merlin
over 6 years
update desc please the seer appears as a random village role on death
over 6 years
The Sheriff shot should also give the last Mafia the ability to guess the Seer as, the way it stands right now, the Seer/Sheriff could just out in the first day of any setup then have all the Mafia lynched and the final Mafia shot.
over 6 years
so basically agent in mindnight?
over 6 years
Seer appears as a random town role upon death
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
SteelixMega here