  • Visits one person every night.
  • Kills that person.
  • Doesn't attend mafia meetings.
  • Sided with the mafia.
about 6 years
Clown can now serve this role in coco's derivatives since it doesn't kill through vests.
about 8 years
this sux
deletedover 8 years
fix hitman 2k16
deletedabout 9 years
@Alne hitman hitting his own partners on n1 is a good thing? dude... that's like making it luck based as much as possible.. personally I think hitman shouldn't even be able to hit his partners and his partners should not show up in the list
almost 10 years
This should be in Coco's if it wasn't bugged as hell. Fix please!
almost 10 years
Hitman in coco's is op, hitman kills through vests. I thought the same thing at 1st :(
almost 10 years
there should be a hitman instead of killer in coco
about 10 years
over 10 years
Hitman being a non meeting strongman is probably OP. Hitman can kill granny, tree, a person with a vest, etc. LOL
over 10 years
Can hitman become invincible,since we shot one 3 times and he wouldn't die....?
almost 11 years
This should be revised so that the Hitman HAS to kill during the night, or at least N1. The Hitman can NK N1, get a contact via his partners, and then know not to kill them and mafia will get 2 easy kills every night. If the Hitman isn't able to NK, or at least during N1, then there's a chance he will hit his own mafia N1.
over 11 years
Witch Gator Hitman.
over 11 years
A mafsided killer, dream come true :D
over 11 years
WOW this is overpowered even if they kill n1 and hope not to hit maf buddies they can then whisper with each other.
over 11 years
deletedover 11 years
ok. not bad
over 11 years
it's not op at all. It can kill mafia, which is a HUGE detriment and means that if they're playing serious, they can't kill N1. communication is needed, and whispers is a huge risk.

you have to make a setup to play to its advantages; which is basically a killer that mafia can legit side with.
over 11 years
It's too overpowered if he can't kill mafia. Also in setups with whispers this'll be overpowered unless it's made so that the mafia who do attend meetings don't know who is hitman.
over 11 years
can he kill mafia? o.O
over 11 years
Now the question becomes, Can he kill mafia
over 11 years
Ah so a maf sided Vig
over 11 years
Yeah ok
deletedover 11 years
I've been waitins for so long :)