  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person will be doused with gasoline.
  • Once per game can choose to set fire to all doused players, killing them.
  • Does not attend mafia meetings.
  • Can kill Treestumps by dousing and lighting them.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Hollywood Epic played 223 times
Gun Run Original played 175 times
Official Forest Fire played 113 times
Catch the Crazies played 102 times
about 7 years
Love this role :^)
deletedover 9 years
Best role
deletedover 9 years
Arsonist throws a match. Nothing happens. Can't throw another match.
about 10 years
>"do I lit a match?"
about 10 years
This role does not visit. Please fix, breaks several mechanics.
deletedover 10 years
what deleted said
deletedover 10 years
Actually this is from Starcraft mafia
over 10 years
This is just a complete knock off of my role I made two years ago lol. Mine is cooler.
almost 11 years
Watcher does not see the Arsonist dousing people.
almost 11 years
If this were a third party role, what would the win condition be?
almost 11 years
Should kill trees. LUCID FIX
almost 11 years
This should be thirdperson, really.
almost 11 years
I agree that it should be third party...
almost 11 years
More testing: Bomb kills Arsonist if they're doused when the fire is lit. It only kills the Arsonist who lit the match, not the one who did the dousing.
almost 11 years
It should be third, more than mafia, because mafia can just contact him and he wont set them on fire. Also its better if he sets people on fire , during day, not night :D, so he can set them, if he is getting lynched.
almost 11 years
Example: Two Arsonists douse a Bulletproof N1, and one of them lights their match immediately. The bulletproof's vest is popped, and one layer of dousing is removed; the second Arsonist can then light *their* match to ignite the second layer of dousing.
almost 11 years More testing: Being doused will mean you have a kill attempt made against you if *any* Arsonist lights their match, not just the one who doused you. If an Amnesiac takes Arsonist, the previously doused targets will remain doused. Additionally, a target may be doused twice (by the same or by different Arsonists); in this instance, each match-lighting removes one layer of dousing and makes one kill attempt against the target.
almost 11 years
it also doesnt burn at all. at least not in a game i played.
almost 11 years
Mechanics testing: The doused person is not notified - when the match is thrown (i.e people get torched), the message is as follows: "Someone threw a match into the crowd! / X suddenly lights on fire and burns to a crisp!" and so on. The fire itself happens as a standard kill attempt; anything that stops a (day) gun will stop an Arsonist's fire. Yes, this means trees are immune to fire. Don't question it. -- Also, the Arsonist doesn't visit. It has a night action (like Watcher, Oracle or Anarchist) but can't be caught by Trackers or Watchers or Grannies, et cetera.
deletedalmost 11 years
i know in forum mafia i used to play, the arsonist's dousing wasnt notified, but you were notified if a doctor saved you from the gasoline somehow?
almost 11 years
I think it would be good if they were notified, actually; you'd hardly not notice being covered in flammable materials... as it stands, no-dousing n1 (and then being contacted - if they don't wait, it's an extra kill), dousing n2 and n3 and lighting n4, that's two kills plus the mafia kill, on a night that's probably mylo. Too OP unless the targets are notified, I think.
deletedalmost 11 years
If arsoned people could be notified, then arsonist would suck because arsonist has to skip a turn to ignite the fire.
almost 11 years
I think it should be a Third Party role.
almost 11 years
>not third party = neg
almost 11 years
"if you're complaining that this is op, you better be saying the same about hitman and poisoner." yeah hitman and poisoner are op too