  • Visits one person every night.
  • The person visited will automatically visit the toreador during this same night (except if it's a role who doesn't visit during night).
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

JM The Demon (JMTD) played 140 times
deletedabout 6 years
Toreador on amnesiac turns amnesiac into toreador
almost 8 years
looks like an umbreon fanboy
almost 8 years
MECHS (we just tested):

1. Watcher can be toreadored despite being a non-visiting role.
2. Toreador meeting doesn't count as a visit in watcher/tracker meeting.
over 8 years
the art for this character is bad
almost 9 years
Toreador doesn't work with Santa.
almost 9 years
Toreador on Vig. Nice.
deletedabout 9 years
Toreador can get watcher to watch them
about 9 years
This role's icon needs to be flipped so as to keep consistency with the other Mafia roles.
over 9 years
Should be called lightning rod or ascetic.
deletedover 10 years
better than war demon
over 10 years
adios, Toreador
over 10 years
I like this!
deletedalmost 11 years
Very good Lal!!
almost 11 years
Very good, I love this role
almost 11 years
One beautiful avatar for each skins Muskratte. I like them a lot ;) :)
almost 11 years
i endorse this role
almost 11 years
@KittKitt if you have something to tell about the role tell it here, if it's about me, please tell it on my page. About the fact to let sometimes a comment I don't call that spamming (especially all comments when I just let one comment)
almost 11 years
@SpiritOfFire If the toreador use his ability on an alone person like mason, or (opposing) mafia, it will work simply. If it's a group, it could split the vote, in this case, it could abort the effect of the group in case of the group will not have majority on one target.
almost 11 years
If it can't select fellow mafia it sounds like a pretty damn good role. I approve. +'d! (Mechanics-wise, it'd change all the target's votes to target the toreador, so not too hard to code I guess). Another question though; say toreador uses it on anything that shares a meeting with one other person. Like, two masons, or two opposing mafia. Would that mean the action wouldn't go through at all? Cause effectively the votes would be tied in the night meeting?
almost 11 years
@killic33 I think that you find him too much powerful cause about his ability on roles like GS, doc, baker... and you don't think about disadvantages on roles like cop, tracker, vig... I can't confirm it without test, but I think he is well-b actually.
deletedalmost 11 years
I'm not all too approving of this role, but you should probably remove it being a meeting-mafia to make it a little more balanced, that way it risks getting killed by it's teammates, silenced, fiddled, etc.
almost 11 years
@SpiritOfFire Interisting question! About roles with 2 actions, I think that 2 actions could go on toreador (if 2 actions are used during the night). If he visits a maf, he will have a vote on him, so if he has the majority, he will be kill by a mafia player (toreador can't visits maf players of the same team).
almost 11 years
Potential to get free guns from Associate. Not bad... but what about roles with two actions (Baker, Santa)? And if he visits a mafia, does the kill go to him instead?
almost 11 years
@SeragakoAoba : "possibilities to use it on a maf partner, but I don't think there is a benefit to use it like that." About the equivalent on drunk I would say that he just visit the toreador, break the kill ability, and have a beer! (There is a kind of same thing which could happen with driver)
almost 11 years
But if he steals the hookers hook he is roleblocked and hence cannot steal the hook... PARADOX