E+M's Setup

For the maf side, there is a fabricator, theif, and spy. Fabricator can give a false gun, vest, bread, or crystal. It is the spy's job to contact the theif and tell him what the fabricator gave to a towns person and also information on the mafia meeting the night before. This way, the theif knows if the person they stole from got a fabricated item from the night before. The spy can also request that the theif contact them through whisper so they know who they shouldn't kill during the mafia meetings at night since the theif isn't involved in the meetings. If it comes up during the day, it is sometimes best for fabricator to counter-claim santa. Maf can also try to find out who santa is so that he can get a fake gift from the fabricator and therefore santa will not get a report. It is also smart for any mafia counter-claiming santa or cop to to whisper their "inno" so people are more inclined to believe them. If a mafia member gets a crystal, they should select a person who they are killing or to select the option "no one."

For the town side, there is a cop, doctor, santa, blacksmith, and two enchantresses. As a cop, you get to investigate one person each night and the next day you will have a report on them. There is also santa who can also investigate someone at night and will get a report on if the person they chose is naughty or nice. They can also give out a gun, vest, bread, or crystal. It is usually best for the doctor to be on cop. If the cop hasn't outted, but santa did, the doc should protect santa unless he knows who the cop is. But again is it better to protect the cop. Then there is the blacksmith who can give out a vest. The blacksmith can give vest to anyone, but it is smart to give the vest to either the cop or santa. However, if the doc is on cop, the vest should always go to santa if both power roles out. Santa and the cop should also whisper to their innos and have the innos to out. The last role on the town side is the enchantress who can give crystals to anyone during the night. The people who recieve these crystal can pick someone at night. If the person who recieved a crystal dies, they will out the role of the person they chose the night before, kind of like an orc.