Curse the town

This game is centered around the witch. The witch makes an attempt at guessing the person who cop will investigate. If successful, then the town will be out two people, successfully taking away their mislynch. However, the mafia must try to avoid the granny if they want to ensure a victory.

Notes: Doctor saved from witch, Cop can claim.
Witching doesn't kill you if you target granny.
Lawyer should lawyer the witch.
almost 15 years
It's no more luck based than any other setup.
almost 15 years
I mean it is. It's very luck based. Scumhunting almost isn't necessary on this setup because of cop granny and witch.
deletedalmost 15 years
Jolt, you're retarded bro. How does witch take out scumhunting? Witch kills the cop's invest and makes it require scumhunting if that happens. There is a miller, so cop isn't 100%, and you can throw away your ML. Throw away the ML, don't get any mafia, and you have to scumhunt.
almost 15 years
Seems too luckbased with Witch and Granny threat to town prs. stats say balanced tho
deletedalmost 15 years
Completely luck based. Mafia is much more fucked than town.

1. ML, 2. Whisper, 3. and the only best - GRANNY
deletedalmost 15 years
Granny needs to go back the way it was. This was 50/50 before lucid changed it, now town is taking the lead.
deletedalmost 15 years
Setups fucked as is. At the moment Witch cursing the granny kills the witch, this completely fucks the entire setup up.
deletedalmost 15 years
Ugh, Lucid ruined the only good setup I ever made.
deletedalmost 15 years
Not only that, but if the mafia shoot the granny at night, only the person that no killed lives.
almost 15 years
Granny is just far too powerful here.
deletedalmost 15 years
It wasn't always that way.
deletedalmost 15 years
I have only ever won this setup as mafia. :S
almost 15 years
how did the granny change?
deletedalmost 15 years
Granny only killed one mafia before when they targeted her, and she didn't kill witch.
deletedalmost 15 years
maybe we should stop playing this. gg if you get gran n1.
deletedover 14 years
Lawyer and nilla vote the kill with witch NK'ing and cursing someone else. Atleast this way you either lose the 2 least important or the 1 most important and you will know who the granny is depending on who dies. Though this is probably common knowledge.
deletedabout 14 years
i favorited this setup SUCK IT
almost 14 years
I would argue that this was centred around the granny & random luck.