I have not yet written a 'description' because I am too busy masturbating.
over 14 years
I endorse this setup.
over 14 years
Seal of approval granted
deletedover 14 years
Nice win stats
over 14 years
If this setup isnt ranked I'm gonna be unhappy
deletedover 14 years
Jesus please someone neg bomb this point farm setup :P
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
2 fool 2 village 3 maf wins seems balanced to me
over 14 years
this set-up is so goddamn awful
deletedover 14 years
Sounds like someone is a little bitter that they didn't think of gallis hunter
deletedover 14 years
I just plused this 4 times. Feels good man
over 14 years
I'm pretty sure this wins for the description alone, let alone the setup.
over 14 years
why is this comp?
deletedover 14 years
>get mafia
>get fool
>wait to joint
>get town
>point farm
>win trophy

Sorry utah :( truth is truth.
over 14 years
I like this setup, but don't think it should be competitive.
over 14 years
Sorry way too much hunter and way too little gallis, you need to find a balance utah.
over 14 years
mafia is FUCKED in this set up. just saying. so fucking stupid. hate this setup more than anything.
over 14 years
There isn't a point on having this setup ranked, it is very uneven it seems.
over 14 years
This setup is the best, all the haters are just mad they aren't skilled enough to play this mad beast and they be scared and hatin'
over 14 years
oh no, who the hell fucking ranked this
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Aww yeah baby. Brace for comp EBR next round since baker now gets points
over 14 years
I think blaze is mad
over 14 years
bad mafia have made the mafia % go way down
deletedover 14 years
bad mafia have made the mafia % go way down
deletedover 14 years
This is a point farm. You should be disappointed in yourselves for playing it ranked.