Every man for everyone!

Shrink: You don't know the setup, so try as much as possible lead the setup test to avoid having to claim at D1. Avod as much as possible random-guess if being tested. That will reduce your credibility as shrink. Also, if you test Yak, expect him too cc you. If setup 1 and no granny claimed, self-shrink, otherwise feel free to shrink anyone you want.IF setup 2, then try to shrink either watcher or MH (Mason Head).
Yak: You don't know the setup, so carefull with the test. If anyone test you, you have two options; random guess (50-50) or claim shrink right away. If you random guess, you lose your credibility with your shrink claim, so be carefull. Also, never, ever claim other role other than shrink if being tested. Only yak and shrink don't know setups.In any other scenario, cc watcher (assuming the massclaims will only be done in setup 2). Watcher is the most pro-town role, so cc'ing him will weaken town. Try to be as convincent as possible, because once drunk catches you, you're done. Also, a good alternative is to wifom and claim Mason, as mason are unlikely to be drunked, and Mason Head may want to mason you thinking you're cult, giving you an easy win.
Fool: If they do test setup with you, always say setup 2. That will probably get you lynched. Also, try not as much as possible survive without letting town to notice you, because you can always joint with mafia latter.
Lyncher: Don't cc roles post d1. Town can't lynch you after d1 has passed, so feel free to claim lyncher. However, don't out your real target unless mafia/third-parties+you outnumber town or if town suspects your target is yakked.
Granny: You may want to claim d1 if you exists. That will give doc the oportunity to save, and shrink the oportunity to shrink. As yak usually kills and yak, don't be afraid of claiming to try getting maf killed. It'll almost never work.
Doc: Carefull with your ability. If granny don't claim, never doc, since you have 40% chance of losing it for town. If granny claimed however, your ability have only 20% chance of doing bad to town, so you should use it, since saving the yaks kill can means a town win.
Watcher: Expect to be cc'ed if a massclaim happens. As you're the only investigative role in the town, yak will do everything in his hands to make your reports untrustable. During the night, try to watch someone who is likely to be culted (including yourself!).
Drunk: You're the towns most powerfull role. You can't be cc'ed (since for cults and yaks that would mean the lost of their ability to expand the reign of their side), and you are most of the times the weapon of town wins. Pay attention to everyone, and also try to target yak, as he is the most troublesome role if used. Getting cult however is also good, specially if yak got lynched or in latter days. Also, there is no need to push a massclaim if you're drunk, as it'll increase your chances of hitting a bad guy from 40% to only 50%, and hitting a specific bad guy from 20% to 25%.
Mason: During a mass-claim, expect to be cc'ed by cult. As your roles are too similar, cult will be seen trough watcher's eyes the same way as mason. If you get cc'ed however, don't try to mason him, as wifom is possible and if your cc is yak that would mean game over. If you can, always pick the watcher as your best choice, as shrink is essencial to defense, and Watcher can play his role very well after being masoned.
Cult: Life will be hard for you. Try as much as possible to cc mason d1, however, if mason is already being cc'ed, wifom in order to help yourself and yak. If the massclaim scenario happens, be prepared to be the only cult around, as your you will either be drunked,m your your cultees will be masoned/shrinked. As cc'ing mason, watcher can't catch you, so the only way of getting you,is trough slips. try to be the most pro-town as possible, as always remember of protecting yak, since jointing with him is a great oportunity.
almost 14 years
One semiclosed i can like...
deletedover 13 years
33% lyncher win.

What is this I don't even