Dont b dum

Fast fun easy ^__________^ If you're guiser you gotta know how to dominate. IT SEEMS MORE TOWN SIDED THAN IT REALLY IS (It's actually as town sided as it seems)
over 14 years
over 14 years
Plus bombed lol
over 14 years
We need better mafs or this is gonna look really town sided >____________________>
deletedover 14 years
Yeah, better maf here.
over 14 years
LMAO you so should have lost that Orb XD
deletedover 14 years
Lol, I thought for sure I was going to.
over 14 years
this is soooooooooooooooooo homosex . Also thanks for stealing my word and how i do it. ass.
over 14 years
Look at dat moran trying to tell us how we should be speeling. LOL
deletedover 14 years
oi speeling is importint
about 14 years
Its more like mafia sided as long If you can play it right. Stupid mafia causes town to win. I win as mafia though:)
almost 14 years
Fast fun easy? Sounds like you Colton ;)