ML me? You get Yakked.

The Mafia can decide whether or not to yak night 1. If they do, any claims power roles would be unclear, unless claimed to be shrunk. The town has a ML with or without a yakking. If the mafia choose to get a stalk before yakking and yak night 2, (with a failed ML on day 1), it will be 5 way lylo. They should also have the stalker cc Cop day 1. (6 way mylo if unused ML day 1). Also, doc saving n1 is risky as they may save the yakuzza. The problem leading a lynch too hard on day 1, is if stalker dies, you may get yakked for revenge...
about 14 years
you are giving town a mislynch with a shrink? wtf man...
about 14 years
This setup seems flawed.
about 14 years
I rather like this; why is it so freaking low??
deletedabout 14 years
+4k, lalalalaa
deletedabout 14 years
I like this setup.
about 14 years
it's 50/50 but it only has 10 plays.
deletedabout 14 years
plussed to make it ranked
about 14 years
Too town sided
deletedabout 14 years
The funnest competitive setup this round.
about 14 years
I just figured out i made a very similar setup of this haha.