
Original setup made by: BigGayAl. -------------------------- Changed a bit to make it less luck based.------------------ How to play? Tracker claim day 1 (stop worrying about bg being janned, you will be cc'd and won't die, but if you don't claim mafia has an easy job finding you with a stalk and lots of softclaims) and silencer has to cc. Then fuckin NL, and let them get more reports even if you are sure on the real tracker.
over 13 years
This is very maf sided.. Just played a game where mafia janned tracker, no one claimed tracker. next day bg, silencer and jan ALL claimed bg, silencer was lynched, mafia tried to kill hunter who had the real bg on them, jan lost the 50/50. Town lynched real blue, stalker killed bg, and hunter lost the 3way lylo. Seriously. So many screw ups, and mafia still won.
over 13 years
If BG kills off Janitor and Tracker leads against Stalker, silencer is virtually fucked and can do nothing to stop maf autolose. This is townsided if you ask me, as long as town isn't ultranoob they can work their way through this setup pretty well.
over 13 years
I've been thinking bout this setup, you're right to say noob towns ruin it, but I do think it is a little maf sided, I mean with day 1 mylo and 2 blues for maf to hide in how could it not be. However I can't think ofa role which you could put in that wouldnt just make this Town sided.
over 13 years
I think switching a bp for one of the blues is the best answer. Turns day 1 MYLO into ML a small % of the time.
over 13 years
All it really takes for maf to win is for silencer to silence the tracker d2 & on
over 13 years
36/63 it's starting to balance like it should
over 13 years
Competitive again, let's see how it starts playing out.. Not a bad set imo.