Sneaky sneaky little thief, stealing the bomb's fun. Will he hide it in his brief, or go and shoot someone? Now the town will find out, chief, which man has the gun.
50/50, also, apparently thief doesn't steal guns instantly (same night as gunsmith gives)? I could have sworn they did. I'd like to see more games where there's a successful or unsuccessful instant steal, if you guys don't mind. If it's really the case, then the setup could be played completely differently.
Take away the bomb, perhaps. Even if scum avoid it, they have no way of killing it and there are just two weak killing prs. Change nilla to stalker perhaps? There's a watcher so it's risky for scum still.
Well mine is 2% more balanced, take THAT Kennedy! In other news, I really don't know how I could make this setup more town-sided without making it too town-sided, any suggestions would be sweetness.
deletedalmost 14 years
ehh i think it's all right as it is now, it's likely a strategy will evolve over time that makes it more townsided
deletedover 13 years
replace a blue with another gs :p or replace thief with traitor/nilla