Fool the lyncher

Lynch the fool
over 13 years
over 13 years
>3% lyncher win

training get it together
about 13 years
This setup is very good if people know how to play.
about 13 years
Fool Lyncher Dies N1 = pretty much town autowin.
deletedabout 13 years
this setup removes the obvious fool joint on d2, hence making it extremely townsided. i luv it though. noneg.
almost 13 years
Idgi...why is there no fool listed in setup but the fool wins 16% of the time? That's more often than the lyncher wins, and the lyncher is actually in the setup. O.o
almost 13 years
@goodnessmichael are you really that retarded or is that a failed attempt at a joke. it is a multisetup
almost 13 years
Awesome setup.
over 12 years
best fix to fool training, mafia cant just assume lylo and joint with fool cause cause of lyncher. Conversly lyncher can actually win by themselves because they can hide as fool.
over 10 years
best setup