MasonCop MealCombo(1.5millers)

Day 1:

-If you find yourself masoned, out yourself and lead.

-List two people who you will mason, then lead a random lynch.

-But *only mason if the RL actually gets a janitor!* (Otherwise, trying to mason is too risky: a mismason will autolose the game for town.)

-If you're head mason and your Night 1 mason target got killed, out yourself and proceed as above.

-Cop, consider NOT outing a Day 1 guilty. (A day 1 guilty report will be actually guilty only 63.9% of the time, assuming
someone is janned.)


Note that the two janitors can clean up two kills on two different nights.

deletedover 13 years
dude, 2 janitors is too much
deletedover 13 years
Not when mason is alive. Because mason will be revealed when they mismason since jan doesn't affect that. So as long as no mismason, masons will always be alive, jan doesn't really do anything besides hide cop/millers which isn't too important considering masons are the strongest role.