Pursue and Destroy Wolfboy 2.0

Again thanks to Wolfboy, Kyle, Moxie, Keifru and some other friends, their advice helped make this set up. This needs some instruction, I ll start with mafia: 1) Ninja vote first in night meetings, 2) Sniper is not on your list at night, so you know who is the sniper 3) It is crucial that the spy contact the sniper, 4) If you get a vest try to act town and use it at your advantage 5) sacrifice the Sniper after he/she shot, protect the ninja. 5) It is better for sniper to hit the bomb than to kill a second blue in my opinion. 7) Spy don't message blues, if you do, send the message to the your partners in advance so they pass the test.

Town, 1) let the dep not be trigger happy, if dep derp and sac on the bomb, it autoloss for town. 2) BS and Bomb both claim BS/bomb d1, mafia might hit the bomb or the BS, 50%, if the dep is alive town is guarantee a ML 3) If you are town and you received a vest, claim BS/Bomb, the BS should not cc you (if mafia do the same), BS should wifom having received a vest to trick the sniper into shooting the bomb or the vested townie. If the sniper shoots the real BS despite of the wifom, it is likely that the vested is mafia. 4) Other option to give out vest n1 5) Remember that sniper can't night kill, so there are 2 mafia that are more dangerous and they will be more protective of themselves. 5) If you are bomb and you get a vest, claim BS/Bomb but dont out that you have a vest, it basically means you are the bomb and not a BS.
deletedover 13 years
Bit maf-sided lol. But it should be okay i guess.
over 13 years
What if bomb has a vest and maf try to kill him? He doesn't die and maf still die?
over 13 years
With 4 blues, maf might not even CC PR and just let ninja lead the kill on one at night? Don't you think? Then next day sniper can shoot BS if maf killed the bomb or sniper can choose to sac on bomb or save his shot for deputy....
over 13 years
Bomb with vest gets hit, doesn't go off. This is bit mafia sided but check out the past games and you ll see how town have been sucking at this, deputy shooting bomb like fucking faggot.
over 13 years
Holy fuck people, deputy should NEVER shoot with bomb in hiding, NEVER, NEVER, it makes no sense for deputy to sac on the bomb and it is autoloss for town 100%, unless someone with a vest got hit n1 or sniper shots someone with the vest. DON'T DO IT, OMG, DON'T DO IT, TAKE UR TROLLING ASS SOMEONE ELSE, FUCKING JESUS, OMG.
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
Lol mine is 56-43

Yours is 55-44
over 13 years
Mafia usually destroys town in this set up, town really need good players to win this, but they either get killed n1 or get knocked down by the sniper and all that is left is chaos while mafia have the benefit of secret communication. I made a new version of the game and replaced a blue with a BP, that would give town a clear d1 and someone that can lead and direct the dep shot away from the prs. A bp also reduce the number of blues, making it harder for mafia to hide. Now mafia have to rely on the night kill and the sniper shot, as well as ccing wisely. Mafia needs to be as skilled as the town, deal: http://www.epicmafia.com/setup/447286
deletedover 13 years
This isn't that maf-sided. As long as town has a plan, it can do good.
almost 13 years
@ innovateur: This is why d1 bomb and vested should claim as bomb/vested this way dep cant shoot bomb AND at night if ninja wants to hit the bomb they have a 50 50 chance of hitting vested and wasting a kill.
deletedalmost 13 years
bad setup
almost 13 years
+ed it for kyle
over 7 years
https://epicmafia.com/setup/1277983 Attempt at a rebalance. Back when this setup was created, the Santa role didn't exist.