Jade, Iphigenia, Void, Eric


Nurse doesn't just stop doc-joints, she stops yaks from yakking entirely. Unfortunately, the Nurse stops the shrink and tracker as well. So beware of who you save.
deletedabout 13 years
theecake wins gold again, jesus weeps
about 13 years
What in the hell?
about 13 years
The problem with this setup was not the doctor.
It was the fact that yakked bp keeps its vest meaning hunter could not shoot yakked bps anymore lol.
about 13 years
The yakked bp was not the problem. It actually balanced the setup out.
about 13 years
the only problem was that people didn't KNOW yakked BP keeps vest. now that everyone knows, it's not a problem and helps balance. still, fuck DLYV.
about 13 years
Hardly preposterous, Zidddude.
deletedabout 13 years
what is small sample size???
deletedabout 13 years
riddler fuck you fucking fuck
about 13 years
petapan 14 hours 24 minutes
riddler fuck you fucking fuck
about 13 years
Nurse stops them yakking out so it turns it town sided if nurse does it night 1 instead of mafia mafia sided if he doctor did it night 1 and no doc that wants to win would do it lol.
about 13 years
terrible townsided
about 13 years
nurse is a drunk + doc. drunks are inherenly town sided
about 13 years
best balance ever