cappstv is number four

The town is under attack and the sheriff was murdered. Can the surviving deputy maintain his sanity or be gone astray? A suicidal town explode in a nearby hospital allowing a psychotic patient to escape. What will come of the town?<br/>____________________________________________<br/>Insane Cop - After being distraught with the loss of the Sheriff, the investigations was misled with emotions. The cop can choose to out the guilty report day one or remain silent. The Drunk is also in play regarding the cop's decision to out report or not. ____________________________________________<br/>The Drunk - A homeless bum on the street robbed a nearby brewery for the sole purpose to drink, drink, and drink. Anyone coming into contact with the Drunk will be tempted to drink. ____________________________________________<br/>Bulletproof - Overcome with paranoia, stocked with weapons of self defense, there is no way in hell they will remove the vests. ____________________________________________<br/>Bomb - After losing the entire family to the Mafia, a suicidal town explode self in a hospital to release a family member.<br/>____________________________________________<br/>Mason - The resistance fight against the evil scums. Can they save the town? ____________________________________________<br/>Cult - Escaped from the jail, the convict will be siding with the Mafia and bribe townies with money to join. Can they successfully work with the Mafia or is their secret plan to betray to succeed? ____________________________________________ <br/>Amnesiac - A bomb explode at the hospital! A mad patient escape to join a side to fight the opponent. Did the patient receive enough mental help to side with the town? ____________________________________________<br/>Yakuza - A must to yak night one or risk losing to the Bomb.<br/>____________________________________________<br/>Yakuza have the power to decide if a yak should occur on night one. This is a risky decision involving the Bomb. If the Bomb is the kill target, the town must figure out if another person was successfully converted to Mafia. ____________________________________________<br/>If the cop was not masoned or culted night one and out the guilty on day one, the Masons must not mason the cop on night two. If the cop report is questionable on day two, the Masons can decide to mason the cop on night 3 to kill if the cop was culted night two. If the yak took place night two after the cop claim, then Masons should not risk mismason and opt for day lynch whenever the cop's report is questionable. ____________________________________________<br/>This is a modified version of the Drunk Tank. The Granny was removed to allow longer end time. The Bomb was added to replace the Granny. Jailer was deemed unnecessary and was replaced with the Insane Cop. ____________________________________________<br/>Further testings is needed and description may be revised. Stated above is basic scenarios, but many more different events can happen depending on players and their gut instinct.
deletedabout 14 years
the fuck?
about 14 years
almost 14 years
Too townsided :|
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
Uhh am I missing some joke? None of the roles mentioned in the description are in the setup. It's just 3 blue, 1 nilla, and 5 cultists