Traitor Training 2

FT3 minus the Fool, plus a Traitor, plus a blue. GL HF. Try out TT3! A Stalker replaces the vanilla mafia!
about 12 years
Stats are rolling out town atm, but both games I've been in Traitor died N1 and even then it was somewhat close.
about 12 years
<< First mafia winner in TT2.
deletedabout 12 years
I find this funny that this is this mafia sided when town has like a free vig shot and mislynches....and maf can kill traitor.
deletedabout 12 years
Its maf sided bc docs are saving n1 and some vigis arnt shooting n1 and ppl are claiming roles when they hit mylo d1 and cops are whispering traitors as innos ect. It will balance out soon as ppl learn how to play. also... Town diesnt have a ml unless a traitor or maf dies n1. When traitor plays correctly maf can easily avoid hitting the traitor after n1.
deletedabout 12 years
Troll thats not even a similar setup.
deletedabout 12 years
Nothing better than a good mafia sided setup... But keep in mind this is being played mostly in training lobby
about 12 years
28-22 is pretty nice. We'll see if/how the next 50 games play out. As games become played more, they tend to become more Town-sided. A set-up that is 53-56% mafia sided initially is usually a good sign of a balanced set-up.
about 12 years
46%-53% after 60 plays.
deletedabout 12 years
Hes an admin and he made a good balanced setup that will hopefully replace ft3 in the hearts of training nubs someday. Also you are an opportunist at best for trying to benifit off his good idea by making a bad knockoff and calling it a sequel
about 12 years
I love this. FT3 begone!
deletedabout 12 years
This is just no. Long live FT3
deletedabout 12 years
ft3 should die a bloody death
about 12 years
How is it 45/54? That equals 99%
about 12 years
i think iv seen 1 town loss out of like first 5 games.. i wouldn't be surprised if it rose to town 60% until traitor strats came up
about 12 years
Notice how even though this is on the front page that everyone still plays FT3

TT2 just seems a bit boring in comparison. A traitor is pretty boring.
about 12 years
I'll concede FT3 is more "fun" or "exciting", but it does throw all semblance of balance out of the window. This set-up gives each party a fair chance but still allows for tricks and strategies.
about 12 years
And yes, I agree, this is Town-sided if Traitor is weak or does nothing. However I have seen Mafia win, when Hooker and a PR were shot N1, because of excellent Traitor play.
deletedabout 12 years
I remember the good ol days whe 3/5 of the loved by were my accounts. Its truly taken on its own life. You can call this a bonafide success now PE. Soon my name will fall off the list :)
about 12 years
233 plays, 52/47!
about 12 years
I think scum need a Stalker instead of Nilla to balance this.
about 12 years
Tbh I think it's fine as it is. Traitor Training 2 was good even when the Traitor didn't completely know what to do. Here, even if the Traitor isn't up to par it isn't incredibly difficult for the Mafia to pull of a win if they know what they're doing. 51/48 in favour of Town after 260 games seems pretty balanced, imo.
about 12 years
It bounces between 51-53 for Town. But yeah, I guess it's okay =)
about 12 years
The extra blue makes it unbalanced in favor of the town. Should be the same setup that has a fool, except change fool to traitor.

This setup encourages vig to shoot N1, giving town a better chance to nightkill mafia. The other setup makes it risky to shoot because it could cause the town to lose.

In this setup, maf could kill traitor and vig could kill hooker N1 - impossible to win after that. In the other setup, vig is less likely to shoot, so maf can win even if they kill fool/traitor.

tl;dr = get rid of the extra blue to make this balanced.
about 12 years
Feel free to host it buddy: