Lynch or be lynched (LOBL)

Village: Be active and scumhunt/RL d1. Find out which PR combination (if any) is applied on lylo through claims, being hooked/guised and hooker/disguiser death. See through mafia's fake claims.

Mafia: If RLed d1 fake claim a PR to find info on which PR's are alive, or if you're lucky the role will be Uncced, thus, misleading town and buying an extra day. One mafia can purposely fake claim or cc a PR on lylo to throw the village off.
deletedover 14 years
best set up on EM
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Good setup :D
over 14 years
+ bullet PEWPEW
deletedover 14 years
awesome setup. The biggest danger, as town, is taking d1 lightly and wasting it in jokes and rls. If you can get a serious conversation going d1, it greatly increases town's chances of winning.
over 14 years
Eh, I personally don't like this setup because of how wildly the town can vary in power- cop+watcher is incredibly strong when the hooker can't hook watcher, and pretty much forces any maf put up day 1 to claim watcher if they want to have any chance of (team) survival, while on the flipside no PRs + a guiser to deal with means that most decent or good mafias will beat out the town unless there's a hell of a lot of scumhunting going on.
I can see why people like it though, day 1 lynchan IS awesome.
over 14 years
Maf can risk and hook cop, then cc watcher.
over 14 years
My favorite setup
deletedover 14 years
Abandon setup for this round. It's comp ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
deletedover 14 years
That's because it rocks and there are so many possibilities it doesn't get old.
over 14 years
this setup eats dick. endless number of idiots who force out all powers by claiming day 1
deletedover 14 years
Cop claiming D1 is responsible for the plurality of mafia wins.
over 14 years
I agree Nix.
deletedover 14 years
Yeah, I agree too xD
over 14 years
I believe cop outed on day 1 is a bad plan and to be avoided if possible. My reasons are as follows: Cop may be guiser (obviously) so they can't be trusted anyway. IF cop is real and claims, they will do one of the following: a) RL a blue, who will claim claim blue and be obvious blue and nothing is gained from the lynch. b) lynch a mafia who will claim power role, thus saving themselves and forcing a change of lynch, OR outing the actual power role so mafia know exactly how to neutralise them both or c) a real power role is outed, leading to the same consequence discussed in b).
over 14 years
I think I found a way to get near 100% win for maf
over 14 years
do share
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
The 100% maf win by hubewa makes it unbalanced.
deletedabout 14 years
fuk -,- another scumhunt setup, ant now comp in this round... hate it.. :(
about 14 years
What a creative and unusual set up to be competitive! Very original!
about 14 years
This is my favorite setup. I'm so glad it became Competetive again.
about 14 years
This is the best setup on EM.
about 14 years
You can still force a NL, but I'm glad no one ever does it.
about 14 years
Explain how can you force NL, without maf blitzing.