
Jan N1, BP claims D1 to lead the game. However anything can and will go wrong, so it's up to town to figure out who to really believe.
over 14 years
why is this ranked?
deletedover 14 years
Three games. 1 maf win, 1 fool win, 1 town win. This is somehow 40/40/20?
over 14 years
Ocean, Maf and fool jointed twice. Giving them each a win in two games.
deletedover 14 years
Why is this competitive?
deletedover 14 years
Its competitive because I wanted it to be
over 14 years
Nicely balanced.
over 14 years
best setup
about 14 years
Just got 100 points winning as mafia lool
about 14 years
Just won this as lyncher, felt so good.
about 14 years
I HASS.....the fool win.