Getting the "This computer has been registered by xxx" message and need a whitelist?Just post here to be whitelisted! Please also tell us why you need the request--perhaps you share an apartment with an EM'er or the site is registering your computer with some other random user.
Thank you!!! Enjoy your time on EpicMafia :)
Drawing courtesy of Godmother
deletedalmost 10 years
Can you please whitelist myself and ChessmasterHex? Thank you
I'm on my phone. I changed my username from DannyPink to TwistyTheClown, but now my computer won't let me log in. It says it's registered to my now-defunct username, which I of course can't use to log in with.
deletedabout 10 years
Updated to this post. Chieve, you have too many active violations, sorry.