about 10 years

tell me your name and i'll talk about the first thing that comes to mind

also ama

best theme park
six flags
sea world
universal studios
knotts berry farm
cedar point
about 10 years

kino says

paulina pls even if it is notmy name 0=)

i don't know a paulina but I know a pamela and she was a really good dancer but also a very scene/emo girl.

her facebook statuses in like, 200something always went something like "I'm standing on top of a cliff, ready to fall for you once more. ily" and I think about that a lot.

Kelly says

Kelly (not actually my name)

kelly clarkson and then I sorta sing stronger in my head for a bit

Elysium says


I don't think I know of any other anthonys but I used your name in one of my stories for creative writing and my prof really really really liked the story and offered me publication lmfao
deletedabout 10 years
knotts has the best rides
about 10 years

Delicate says

okay ^^

OKay so you have this whole thing about your name where you say you don't like it and it doesn't suit you but I disagree with that

i think it's a really strong name that's just common enough that you know a few, but you only really associate it with one person. does that make sense??

like, when I hear the name amanda, I think, I know a bunch of amandas. there's this amanda and that amanda etcetc. but when I hear Sharon, i'm like. oh yeah, sharon delicate. but then as an added thought, I remember all the other sharons I know of. so yeah
about 10 years

Jill says

like, she was your typical random xDDDD cheesecake rawr means i luv u girl and I just

oh my god ugh

*glomps meh hubbeh*
about 10 years
Also would you go out with Abe
about 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
Kelly (not actually my name)
about 10 years

alise says

alise {not actualy my rl name but whocare}

I frequented this one site often and there was this chick who was obsessed with alice the vocaloid or whatever and she would never stop talking about it and I've generally associated my dislike for the name towards her

like, she was your typical random xDDDD cheesecake rawr means i luv u girl and I just

oh my god ugh

gennehfarrxD says


when I was young my family took in a fam friend. we called her jenny tho, and that's a name I'd never call u bc you're just not a jenny. anyway

she was really really sweet and helped me out a lot with homework and took me to school and stuff. eventually she left to work and go to school someplace far and I never really got to see her again, but recently bc facebook we reconnected and I found out that she's actually a teacher now and that's p cool bc u sorta are too
about 10 years
paulina pls even if it is notmy name 0=)

do u want kids
about 10 years
i love bobies wristbands** except not bobies. you know what I mean.

Lashka says

As this is an AMA: What landmark/country/city do you most want to visit in the world?

this changes a lot because I want to go everywhere. but I think the one ""landmark"" I really want to see are the northern lights
about 10 years
i like voleyball
deletedabout 10 years
okay ^^
about 10 years
about 10 years
alise {not actualy my rl name but whocare}
deletedabout 10 years
that patrick is a shame to the good patrick name because volleyball sucks

and for being a tool.
about 10 years

keri says

not keri

HI KERI you're the first keri I've met and I like your name a lot bc it's super simple and it suits you.

when I met you I tried figuring out for the longest time what it was short for then I realised that it may have not been short for anything and yeah I'm dumb

Retti says


i'm pretty sure I knew another patrick once upon a time but I can't remember

I don't get why you hate your name so much when it's really not that bad----- oops I just remembered the patrick that I knew before

he was like, a junior when me and my bestfriend were in middle school and he was this really tall volleyball player who wore a lot of bracelets. like, those I love wristbands and braided friendship ones and leatherish cuffs

my best friend was inlove with him but he was kind of a tool tbh
about 10 years
that's ok though, because i think tay is a cool and unique name
about 10 years
you reminded me of tay zonday, and according to wikipedia he's 32 and his name isn't even tay.
about 10 years
i mean...it's out there
deletedabout 10 years
Thank you Jill. Next time I am trying to look pretty, I shall smile with my teeth :).

As this is an AMA: What landmark/country/city do you most want to visit in the world?
about 10 years

Data says


tay what the hell do you honestly think I know another teiaja

one of my best friends is named taylor though and they hate being called that. you have a super unique name imo and I really like it and I generally like calling people by their full names so do you mind that??

TheShane says


is your nickname slia or kim

this girl named kim in my art class in high school was a super great artist. I doubt you're one tho
about 10 years
me and jared leto are very similar in the sense that we are both hot as hell
about 10 years

Lashka says


you're the only mikalis I know why are you even posting in here

but okay I thought your name was pronouced as mikha-LIS but Goodbar John, Patrick retti and Sharon Delicate informed me that it was actually MIKha-lis or whatever and that was kinda awkward

anyway uH one of my friends in like 6th grade, her name was Mikaela but everyone called her mika. I don't remember what she looks like exactly, but I remember thinking that she looked way prettier when she smiled with her teeth showing and I think the same about you
deletedabout 10 years
about 10 years

Sims says


jared leto, first of all, bc he's hot as hell

and in contrast when I was in middle school there was this kid, he was kind of the butt of all the jokes but he was really cool bc he took it all in stride and brushed everyone off when he was made fun of. like, he was kinda fat right. i remember doing laps in gym and everyone was laughing bc we were all ahead of him and then he started making these funny jumps and trying to tap dance while running

good guy jared