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EpicMafia Help Thread

deletedalmost 10 years


I'll put helpful stuff on this thread.


Q: How can I edit my profile?

A: Go to your profile (Click on your name at the top right.) Then hover your mouse under your love status (Also under the huge dash —————) Then click on "Edit".

[Icons from left to right]:

Bold (Strong): To type in bold, click on the "B" that you'll find when you press "Edit".

Italic (Emphasis): To type in Italic, click on the "i" beside the Bold.

Blockquote: To put a Blockquote, click on the Quotes beside the Image.

Insert An Image: To Insert an Image, click on the Image then type the url of the image you want to insert.

Numbered List: Click on the numbers beside the Image.

Bulleted List: Click on the Bulleted List picture.

Heading: Click on the Heading picture.

Horizontal Rule: Click on the Horizontal Rule picture.

Undo (Ctrl+Z): Click on the Back picture

Redo (Ctrl+Y): Click on the Forward picture

Most Important In-Game Words

CC: Counter-Claim. (When someone claims a role that already was Claimed)

WIFOM: Often used when someone kills the one that trusts them, then says that he wouldn't kill the one that trusts him.

Roleswap (RS): When two guys swap their roles, Player 1 is a gunned blue, Player 2 is the gunsmith who gunned Player 1, Player 1 says that he is gunsmith and Player 2 Claims Blue.

Ping: When someone is Away from keyboard, you ping him by saying his name (must be full) EX: Skillz is AFK, Player 1: Skillz, Skillz will see Player 1 Mentioned you! at the top of the browser.

AtE Appeal to Emotions, when a player mindgames the other player by using Emotions, EX: Player 1 has the hammer. Player 2 says: Please don't hammer me I'm town -Sad Face-.

Bus: When a Mafia throws his partner under the bus by lynching him

Clear: When someone is investigated by the Cop/Detective/Watcher/Tracker and is Innocent and can't be Mafia by any chances.

Confirmed: When someone is surely a role and can't be another one.

FOS: AKA Finger Of Suspect When someone suspects someone

Hammer: When someone has the Final Vote

LYLO: Lynch Or Lose, If town doesn't lynch that day they will lose. EX: 5 Way 2 Mafia, If Town No-lynches it will be the night, and mafia will kill somebody so 2 town 2 mafia = GAME OVER.

ML Mislynch, Appears when town can lynch wrongly and the game won't end.

PR: AKA Power-role, Which is a Doctor/Oracle/Bomb/Gunsmith, Usually used in Fancy Pants

NL AKA No lynch, which is when most of the town vote No one.

NK AKA No Kill, when Mafia/Vigilante/etc doesn't kill anybody.

OMGUS AKA Oh my god you suck when someone foses someone that already fos'd him


Q: How to go to Settings?

A: Hover your mouse over your name at the top right, then click on "Settings" Or Just click this link:

Change Profile!: You can change Age, Location & Gender.

Embed A Video: Here you can put a Video which can be seen on your profile. You can turn AutoPlay On/Off

Relationship: Here you can start/end a Relationship.

Edit Birthday! Here you can enter your Birthday, you'll receiver Rainbow text when you play when it's your Birthday. (Must be activated from here first)

Change Avatar! Here you can finally have an Avatar!

Change your profile background! Here you can have a Background for your profile.

Create A Custom Rank! Here you can have a Custom Rank.

Turn on personal URL Here you can change your URL from to

Emotes Here you can have Custom Emotes! (Must be Purchased first)

Other Stuff

Q: Where do I learn about each role and about its job?

A: At the Learn tab! (


Q: Where can I see all the records? (Hall Of Fame)

A: At the "Fame" Tab! (


Q: How do I check the Round Leader-board?

A: Click on Round at the top of the Page (


Q: How do I make a Thread on the Forums?

A: Click on "Forum" Then choose which part of the forum you want to post in, then click "Start a topic" At the top right.


Q: Everytime I open EpicMafia it puts me in a lobby that I don't want to start with, how can I change this?

A: Play a game in the lobby you want to open EpicMafia with.

Q: For some reason I can't marry -someone-

A: Apparently, both of the people that are getting married MUST have at least 1 Doctor save.

Q: How do I make a Yellow heart setup?

A: Go to the round tab, choose one of the Competitive setups that are listed there, you CAN NOT choose any random setup and try to play it with yellow hearts, You can only play the listed setups on Round that are chosen by the Trophy winners.

If you find any mistakes tell me in the Comments below.

Regards, Skillz.

And also, if you want to know how to self-delete, ask Edark.

deletedalmost 10 years
This looks pretty helpful at a glance Skillz.
