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Calvin, nicole, anthony, olivia, ji

about 10 years


Rolecall, someone talk to me im bored

about 10 years
about 10 years
who are you
deletedabout 10 years
we're watching a christmas movie p-please
about 10 years
Hi Ling, I've missed you.
about 10 years
i just wanna talk to you and your mom
deletedabout 10 years
ling my mom says hi
about 10 years
jill check pms
about 10 years
can u call me ina sec tho
about 10 years
im last?????????????? on ur rolecall...
about 10 years
he's playing counterstrike too
about 10 years
i like your brother more than you
about 10 years
people thought i was smurfing on counterstrike and i laughed at them
about 10 years
altright i got to page 6 of the threads, peta was funny but then i saw steven post 6 pages so i gave up
about 10 years
i never asked for this power. a blessing, a curse, i don't know anymore.
about 10 years
about 10 years
becaues of your power i hate you

idiot mods go back to where you belong
about 10 years
no clarification needed my friend
about 10 years

AdrenalineMime says

no ragrets
about 10 years

xela says

if you dont have superpowers dont do it you'll die

sorry for the miscommunication

wow look at that fear. it's true the mods do have power.. O_O
about 10 years

Goodbar says

i was completely oblivious to how that must look to people who don't read stan lee's comics!!! i'm sorry i made sure to clarify!
about 10 years
if you dont have superpowers dont do it you'll die

sorry for the miscommunication
about 10 years
about 10 years
you only have 5 friends haha go find a building to test your flying powers on
about 10 years
haha since when do i use puush. that shouldve been a giveaway
about 10 years